We are lucky to have Eve (now named Echo by her new family) for a few more days. She goes home to her new family on Friday. Then we will just have Nick and Noelle left from Vixen’s litter. Nick will be staying till he is big enough to fly down to California to live with co-breeders Mike and Karen Kurtzner where he will be spoiled before starting his show career. Noelle’s owners will come and get her on the 26th October. After having them here so long, it will be hard to say goodbye. But they have amazing homes and will be so very loved and so that makes the transition sweeter.
Madison’s litter just turned 7 weeks – they are almost ready to go home to their new families. Bepper is now named “Ella” and will be going to live with the McHenry family where she will be the little sister of another Kazuri beagle “Sullivan”. Api doesn’t have a new name yet, but he will be going to the Cassidy home where he will be loved dearly. And Gelly will be going to live in Canby OR – her new name is “Poppy” and she will be little sister to a sweet daschund and live with the Reaney family. Wistor has a family that is deciding on her right now. I hope to know soon if they will take her or not.. She will be shown in conformation. Miss Cottonz is being looked at closer as a show prospect. I would love to talk to families who would be willing to have her in their home as a pet, but also let me show her and one day have a litter before retirement. This is called a special relationship called a “guardianship”. If you want to know more about it, please contact me sarah.sweetman@outlook.com
Enjoy the latest pictures of the puppies enjoying the yard before the rains set in. <3
Cottonz Ella and Cottonz Wistor, Ella, Noelle chasing Madison Wistor, Ella, Noelle chasing Madison Wistor, Ella, Noelle chasing Madison Wistor Nick & Echo Echo, Nick and Phoenix Echo, Nick and Phoenix Noelle Ella Api Api and Echo Wistor and Echo Wistor and Echo Ella Nick Poppy Poppy Cottonz Cottonz Noelle Noelle Echo Poppy Poppy Api Api Poppy Cottonz Cottonz Cottonz and Ella Ella Ella Cottonz & Api Echo Echo
Do you have any puppies available?
feel free to email me sarah.sweetman@outlook.com 🙂