Through a series of events, Truman has gone to live with the wonderful Kim Legerretta and her mom Sue Gray from KoLaci Cavaliers. He will be part of her pack, and breeding program and maybe just maybe finish his CH title down there (he already has 8 points including a 5 point major).
While on one hand it was a difficult decision to have our sweet little man move to California, we really respect Kim’s breeding program and how she treats her dogs and so from that respect the decision was easy.
Truman has slotted in quickly, and made himself right at home. I love that about his temperament and how Kim’s home is so similar to ours.
Well, we got amazing news this weekend.
In his first show he went BOW with Sue at the end of his leash, at Yuma AZ , under one of my favorite judges Mrs Pat Trotter! Wahoo!