Novice Trick Titles

Some of the family’s who have Kazuri dogs have been working on their Novice Trick Title.

What is that you ask? Well let me tell you. AKC has provided a fun way to bond and play with your dog. Usually you would go to an event and a moderator would watch you.

But with COVID-19, AKC has kindly opened up the rules to allow submissions via video. Each trick needs to be done twice on the video. At the Novice level, you can use treats. At the higher levels, only certain tricks can be “baited”, so your dog has to know your signals or instructions. You can read about it and watch videos on how to train your dog here: They have a list of the tricks at the Novice level. I love that one of them is getting into their kennel 🙂 If you are unsure what a trick means, you can look it up in the official guidelines here:

Once your video is ready, submit this paperwork : along with this form: to the moderator LYDIA JOINER – If she determines that your tricks were good enough, she will sign the paperwork and send it back to you and then you email it to AKC with $25 and your dog has a Trick title or TKN by their name.

Here are some of the wonderful pups, bred here at Kazuri, who have worked on their TKN title since Covid-19 started. I am SO proud of each and every one of them and their owners. <3

Ruthie – Kazuri’s Loyal Friend TKN (at 7 months young)

Gracie – Kazuri’s Gracie TKN (2 years)

Rowan – LoKazuri Star Life Is But A Dream TKN TKI *combined breeding effort between myself and Lockestar cavaliers* (2 years old)

Novice Title
Intermediate Title (TKI)