Anyone who knows me, knows that health testing is important to me and my breeding program.
MaryBeth from Embee cavaliers in Ontario Canada hosts MRI scanning clinics at TVVS several times a year. My friend Alisha from Lockestar cavaliers was taking a few of her dogs and so I was lucky enough to send Phoenix as well.
She was 2 years 8 months at the time of scanning.
Here were results:
Chiari-like malformation present: Mild
Syringomyelia : Grade 0
Syringomyelia location: NA
Atlantooccipital overlap grading: Grade 0
Dorsal compressive AA band grading: Grade 0
Medullary elevation/kinking: Absent
Ventricular dilation: Normal
Cerimunous Otitis: Right sided.
I am thrilled with these results. <3