At the Whidbey Island Kennel Club – Monroe Washington
On Saturday, Dutch (CH Van-Mar N Kazuri Brewin Up Trouble) went BOV under judge Mrs. Kathleen J Brock and then onto a Hound group 4 under judge Mr. David J Peat.
On Saturday Derby (Kazuri’s Run For the Roses) went WD for a 3point major under judge Mrs. Kathleen J Brock. On Sunday he did it again under Dr. Steven D Herman, for his 4th major and became a new CHAMPION.
On Saturday Willow (Kazuri’s Cover Me In Sunshine) went WB/BOW for a 3point major under judge Mrs. Kathleen J Brock. On Sunday she went WB/BOW and BOV over 4 specials for a 5 point major under Dr. Steven D Herman! She just has 1 single before she is a CH.
Chalotte (LoKazuri Star’s Fourth In Line) made her showing debut. No points for her but I was proud of her free stacks and building confidence over the weekend.
Watson (CH Kazuri’s Time To Solve A Mystery) went select dog both days under judge Mrs Pamela Peat and Mrs. Janice L McClary – he now just needs 1 single to finish his Grand CH title.
I also attended the EYE and HEART clinic – I did clearances on 9 of my dogs – everyone passed their hearts and I had one who we discovered a mild eye issue on but wont impact him. I am so happy. The photo with my 9 week old puppies is of them plus their daddy Granger (CH BeckWith If The Boot Fits TKN), and Emma and Amie Adams who own him.
thank you to all the people who cheered us on, to the judges who found my dogs, and to all the helpers holding my dogs, taking them back in to the ring – I appreciate you all so much. It takes a village – no a community and I am grateful for mine.