2022 has been an incredible year indeed. One for the memory books. We’ve had some incredible high moments and some low points also.
Focusing on the highs – this is 2022 in review.
PLATINUM Grand CH – Nick – MBISS MBIS GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas TKN CGC – He also finished 2022 as the #1 15 inch beagle in the USA and winning 4 BIS and getting select dog at the Beagle National. Nick is also proving himself as a stud, with having seven of his get finishing their CH titles this year!
New Grand CH – Madison – GCH Foxtails Dreaming of the Race TKN – my foundation bitch bred by Sheri Berndt-Smith, Darrell Smith and Michael Kurtzner finished her Grand CH at a local beagle specialty from the Veterans class.
12 New CH beagles that I bred/co-bred
“Dutch” – CH Van-Mar N Kazuri Brewin’ Up Trouble TKN BCAT – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Sarah Smith-Falker, Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer
“Audrey” – CH Van-Mar N Kazuri Trouble At Tiffanys – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Dan Carter & Terri Papagni-Carter
“Tex” – CH Kazuri N Van-Mar Trouble In Texas – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer
“Daisy” – CH Kazuri N Van-Mar Oops a Daisy Here Comes Trouble TKN BCAT – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Sarah Sweetman and loved by the Chamberlain family
“Maddie” – CH Van-Mar N Kazuri Trouble Takes The Cake TKN BCAT – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Sarah Smith-Falker
“Charlie” – CH Van-Mar N Kazuri The Trouble With Charlie – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Lisa Young & Jenni Neift
“Harley-Quinn” – CH Van-Mar N Kazuri Trouble In Gotham – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Sarah Sweetman, Lisa Young & Jenni Neift
“Beau” – CH Kazuri’s All I Need Is Love And Cake – bred by Sarah Sweetman and Mike & Karen Kurtzner – owned by Sarah Sweetman, Mike & Karen Kurtzner and loved by the Smith family
“Derby” – CH Kazuri’s Run For The Roses – bred by Sarah Sweetman and Mike & Karen Kurtzner – owned by Sarah Sweetman, Mike & Karen Kurtzner and loved by the Olson family
“Maxim” – CH Kazuri’s Rockin The Naughty List At Roylcrest – bred by Sarah Sweetman and Mike & Karen Kurtzner – owned by Lorna & Sam Boydston & Sarah Sweetman
“Sylvie” – CH Kazuri Dreaming Of A Joyful Chase Thru The Woods – bred by Sarah Sweetman and Mike & Karen Kurtzner – owned by Sarah Sweetman, Mike & Karen Kurtzner and loved by the Neuenschwander family
“Willow” – NatJr IntJr HnrJr CH Kazuri’s Cover Me In Sunshine – Also attained her NatJr, IntJr and HnrJr titles at the International Dog show – bred by Sarah Sweetman and Mike & Karen Kurtzner – owned by Sarah Sweetman & Dolly Stearns
2 New CH Cavalier King Charles Spaniels that I bred or co-bred
“Truman” – CH Kazuri’s Struck By The Truth With Lockestar – bred by Sarah Sweetman – owned by Kim Lagretta, Sue Gray, Sarah Sweetman & Alisha Lockleer
New CH & GCH – GCH Kazuri’s Time To Solve A Mystery – bred by Sarah Sweetman – owned by Sarah Sweetman, Megan Hogan and loved by the Hogan family
GCH CH Lockestar ‘Cause I’M Up To No Good CD PCD BN RE FDC BCAT ACT1 ACT1J RATM CZ8S CGCA CGCU TKN ATT Gaining SO many more titles under the direction and dedication of Susan Lockleer – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Alisha Lockleer – owned by Susan Lockleer, Sarah Sweetman & Alisha Lockleer
She isn’t a CH yet, but worth mentioning is Stella – Kazuri’s Diamond In The Sky – bred by Sarah Sweetman – owned by Amie Adams, Emma Adams & Sarah Sweetman. She has both of her majors!
I have several beagles and cavaliers that are pointed and should finish their CH titles in 2023 – as well as several young ones that are up and coming and ready to hit the ring. It should be another fab year in 2023.
A huge thank you to my co-breeders Mike & Karen Kurtzner, Chelsea Metteer & Dolly Stearns for your friendship, partnership and support. Thank you to the co-owners and guardian homes for your support, and letting me show your dogs – for keeping them trained and in good shape. Thank you to Sarah Smith-Falkner, Tammie Wilcox & Cheyenne Calvert (and their teams) for showing my dogs, especially out of state, when I could not be there in person. I couldn’t have finished so many without you. Thank you to all the judges who have found my dogs worthy – in the classes and group ring and BIS ring – I am so thankful for you acknowledging my breeding program as you have.
Thank you to all the incredible families who cheer us on, and love our dogs like we do – we are eternally grateful for all of you. <3 It really takes a village and I feel I am better because of all of you <3

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the newest member of the Kazuri family. We were lucky enough to aquire Mishka “Michelle” – CH Pun Kotzky’s Michelle, Ma’ Belle bred by Dr Oleg Voloshin & Dr Oksana Gavrilova. She will complete her health tests in 2023 and maybe have her first litter. She is pictured below at 6 months

Also joining the Kazuri family in the new year when I fly and pick her up, and co-owned with her breeders Mary Cummings and Sue Nichols and my good friend Dolly Stearns from JoyfulNoise beagles is Allegria (Itallian for joy) – StoneMeadow N Lighfall Full Of Surprises At Kazuri – pictured below at 9 weeks