The WWHA never disappoints. It is a lovely show to attend each year.
This year, Murphy (GCH Kazuri’s Everythings Gonna Be Alright) won BOV both days and then went onto a lovely group 3 with his co-owner Sarah Smith-Falkner

Murphy’s daughter Savannah (CH Kazuri’s Gonna Be Peachy) went Select B and BOS to her father for more majors towards her Grand CH title!
On Saturday Morrison (Kazuri Everthing Reminds Me Of You) went BOW for a 5 point major and then Sunday repeated it for his 4th major to finish his CH title.

On Saturday, Brin (Kazuri’s Chasing My Dreams) went WB/BOS for a 5 point major!

On Sunday, Lumi (Kazuri’s Illuminate My Dreams) went WB for a 3 point major to take her to 13 points (including a major) from the 6-9 class!