What a busy 24 hours. Daisy was due on Monday 12 or Tuesday the 13th based on progesterone, but surprised us by showing no signs of labor and then popping 4 puppies out in 2 hours.
When our girls are close but not in labor yet, we feel okay about leaving them unsupervised for a couple of hours. There are some tell tale signs of labor – refusing dinner, being restless and digging, cocking their tail under, peeing frequently – Daisy didn’t show any of these signs.
Unfortunately because of this, 3 of the puppies got very chilled and did not make it. It’s hard to know if they were stillborn or chilled as they never took a breath for us. We are devastated for this loss. Her 5th puppy was born safely with us there and her two live puppies are being cared for beautifully by Daisy – she is a wonderful first time momma.
I am proud to present Daisy and Beau’s 2 precious boys – both were 9.65oz at birth.
Boy 1 has more white on his collar

Boy 2 has less white on his collar

We will let Daisy raise a couple of Chairty’s babies so the girls have a more equal load. We will do this over the coming days once Daisy’s pups have had their colostrum.