Cleo and Mishka’s puppies play outdoors

The PNW is having a heat wave and so it has been really nice for the puppies to experience going outside as the shade is even very warm. Cleo’s pups are just 4 weeks old and so have only just begun to explore the great outdoors. Mishka’s 6 week old pups just love it out there – especially when the pack is out and they have someone to chase after. They are surprisingly confident for their ages and love to sniff and walk around – it’s a great start to their socializing outside.

Look how cute they are 🙂

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.