When each family goes to their new home, they go home with a ton of new information. I know there is nothing sweeter than your puppy to distract you, and so I thought I would include all the information here, so families can refer to it anytime they need to. I have also included information that anyone might need anytime.
Click on the title and it will take you to the information:
Health considerations – Top to Toe
Training Your Dog (Leash Training and More)
The Dangers of Over Vaccinating
Flea & Tick & Heartworm Recommendations
Home remedies for vomiting and diarrhea
What do the vaccinations mean?
Syringomyelia (SM) and Cavaliers
Chairi-Like Malformation (CM) and Cavaliers
Low Number of Blood Platelets in Cavaliers
IVDD – what does this mean on your genetic test?
Factor 7 – what does this mean on your genetic test?
Show training at home for your pup