Category Archives: akc

The beagle pups are 3 weeks old

Our beagle puppies are 3 weeks old. We started them on some solid food this week and they LOVED it. While they are still enjoying the ‘well fed” life of mostly eating and sleeping, they are happy to sausage their way to the little bowls and eat a little ground beef mixed with some goats milk 🙂

This week we also gave them a potty box and I am pleased to say that they are starting to use it. Mama Allie is now enjoying nights off by herself and the babies are one step closer to a little independence.

I love my daily cuddles with them – they are so incredibly sweet.

Enjoy the latest pictures of them. They had just eaten and were ready for a nap. 🙂

*please note that none of these pups are available at this time*

Miss P





Nick gets his 2nd BIS

West Virginia today, Nick (BIS GCHB All I Want For Christmas) went BOV and Hound Group 1 under judge Mr Raymond V. Filburn Jr.

He then went on to his second Best In Show under judge Ms Joanne Buehler!!! Woot woot!! Judge Buhler not only finished Nick but also gave him his first group placement. what an honor to now receive a Best under her.

Nick seems to be making all my Christmas wishes come true – and more!

Thank you Mike and Karen for continuing to present him so well and to the judges for finding him worthy. Congratulations to the other winners! I know he had great competition out there!

The cavalier puppies are 6 weeks old

Oh my gosh – how did we get to halfway? These little babies are tiny dogs for sure. They are eating 3 full meals a day and are playing and pretend to be tough (but not really – haha). We are giving them more simulation with the tiny stairwell and balance ball and they are tackling them with enthusiasm. We are seeing their personalities emerging.

I took them to my photography studio this week for my favorite portrait shots of each litter in my blue armchair. I just love the way they look against the deep hue. The photos where they look a little unsure, it is only because they wanted to be on my lap instead of the chair.

*please note these babies are still not available at this time*

Archie – he is our most outgoing – always up for a new adventure and definitely leaps before he looks. But make no mistake, he also wants to cuddle up and snuggle on your lap.

Victoria – she is our most shy. Once she has observed and tried something she is all in. But she would rather wait and watch and figure things out first. She is sweet and loving and a little more laid back.

Fergie – She is sweet with a lot of spice. She is almost as outgoing as her brother. She loves to be nosy and know exactly what is going on at all times. We laugh that she has FOMO.

Kate – She is somewhere in the middle of all her siblings – not the most outgoing but not shy. She loves to play and loves to snuggle. Always quick to come when we call “puppy” and always finishes her own bowl of food and others. 🙂 This girl can eat 🙂

Echo finishes her CH title

I am thrilled to announce Kazuri’s third homebred beagle Champion for 2021 is Kazuri’s Feeling The Siren’s Call (aka Echo).

At the Nisqually Kennel Club in Elma WA, she went WB/BOW yesterday under judge Mr Hal T. Beirmann. Today she went WB/BW/BOS under judge Ms Robin K Riel. Thank you to these judges for finding our girl this weekend.

I am so thankful to Tammie Wilcox for showing her when I had to work. Echo is Nick’s littermate as due to COVID was shown only a few weekends. I am very proud of her finishing today.

Now, she will work on other titles like Rally and perhaps some obedience or even agility titles. We also hope she will prove herself in the whelping box when the time is right too.

The beagle babies are 2 weeks old

Allie is doing a wonderful job raising her beagle puppies. Almost too well. They are chubby and well fed and all they want to do is eat and sleep. They really don’t want to do anything else. HA! They all have their eyes open and I see we might have some convincing to do that there is a world out here ready for them to explore. I think they feel their bed is way to cozy and warm for now.

Enjoy the pictures. They are really head shots as all they wanted to do was curl up – so funny.

**please note none of these pups are available at this time**

Miss P





OFA Excellence

Anyone who knows me, knows health testing is important to me and my breeding program.

I woke up to great news this morning that two of my cavalier girls have OFA HIP scores of “Excellent”. And that is a hard score for cavaliers to get so I am over the moon to get it.

Nellie (Kazuri’s Notorious Nellie) and Phoenix (Kazuri’s On the Wings Of Love TKN) are both out of my foundation girl Arrow (Lockestar Lovestruck CGC).

Nellie is sired by Blake (GCH Orchard Hill True Enough) owned by Mia Lawson and Phoenix is sired by Journey (CH Brookhaven Don’t Stop Believing) owned by Kathi Ogle.

I am forever grateful to these breeders for allowing me to use their studs and furthering my breeding program one generation at a time. These girls also recently cleared their eye exams. ?

A huge thank you to Dr Anders Thoreson from Klahaya Animal Hospital for doing such a great job at taking non-sedated radiographs. He is truly an OFA magician.

Nick takes on West Virginia

What a wonderful weekend in West Virginia at the Mountain Classic.

On Thursday, Nick went Best of Variety under judge Mr Lawrence Terricone.

On Friday, Nick went Best of Variety and Hound Group 1 under judge Mr Hal T. Beirmann.

On Saturday, Nick went Best of Variety and Hound Group 1 under judge Mr Raymond V Filburn Jr and then onto Best In Show under judge Ms. JoAnne Buehler!

On Sunday, Nick went Best of Variety under judge Ms. Cynthia Stohie and Hound Group 1 under judge Mrs Barbara Dempsey Alderman.

OH MY GOODNESS! Wow – Talk about have all my Christmases come true! This dog is proving over and over that he deserves to be in the ring with the top dogs in the US and is holding his own. There were some beautiful dogs out there and for him to be considered amongst them is such an honor.

Oh – and just the icing on the cake is that this weekend he also achieved his bronze GCH title – so now he can be called MBIS GCHB Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas. <3

I can’t wait to see what they do next!

Nick gets BEST IN SHOW

What a weekend at the Northwest Arkansas Kennel Club we had amazing success. It all started on Saturday when he won Best of Breed under judge Mr Donald A. Gill and then went on to a Hound Group 2 under judge Mr Timothy Catterson.

Then, on Sunday, something extraordinary happened.

Nick (GCH Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas) went Best of Breed under judge Mr Timothy Catterson. Nick went on to a Hound Group 1 and then Best In Show under judge Mr Donald A. Gill. OH My Gosh!! Words can not express how over the moon I am!! I am so grateful to these judges for finding my beagle in amongst some beautiful dogs and finding him worthy of this honor.

I am walking on air. Huge thank you to Mike and Karen for their amazing handling and care of our sweet boy. I can’t wait to see what he does next!

Allie’s newborn baby beagles

As promised, I took some nicer pictures of Allie’s babies. They are thriving. I don’t think I have ever had a set of puppies put on quite the weight that these guys have. Not that I am complaining at all – I am just amazed at their growth.

Allie has taken to motherhood like she was born to do it. I guess she was. She adores her babies and dotes on them as any new mother should. She watches as I do ENS on them, but never growls or fusses – just makes sure I put them back 🙂

Without further ado, I will introduce them to you. Since they were born on “National Beagle Day” it felt only fitting to name them after the most well known beagles.

*please note that none of these pups are available at this time*

Girl 1 – born at 10.62oz – now 1lb 1.1oz. Will now be named Miss P (because we joke that she should be called “Miss Piggy” as she put on 3oz in the first 36 hours)

Girl 2 – born at 11.46oz – now 1lb 1.4oz. Will now be named Shiloh.

Girl 3 – born at 10.82oz – now 15.9oz. Will now be called Bagel.

Boy 1-born at 12.35oz – now 1lb 2.4oz. Will now be called Snoopy

Boy 2-born at 11.82oz – now 1ob 1.5oz. Will now be called Gromit

Charlotte’s Cavalier Babies are 4 weeks old

This post will be quick as we had newborn baby beagles this weekend, but I wanted to show you that these beautiful bonny babies are growing up like weeds and doing so well.

We gave them some playtime outside and they were a little nervous but also excited to look around. They are adventuring around the house more and more and have loved meeting the rest of the pack, so are getting time with other big dogs too.

Life is zooming along thats for sure.

*please note that these pups are not available at this time*



