I am so proud of Mr Charlie who won WD/BOW on Friday under judge Yvonne Savard and then reserve on Saturday on Mrs. Carol C Sommerfelt and then WD again on Sunday under judge Mr. Gary Stiles.
Charlie (Kazuri’s The Mystery of Hope) is owned by me (Sarah Sweetman) and was bred by Becky Smith & Sue Savage Green. I am very thankful to them for trusting me with this sweet boy. Thank you to Cheyenne from Sirius handling for taking Charlie to these shows when I couldn’t attend.
There is nothing I love more than to celebrate with others and build community as we love and try to do right by these beautiful dogs we are entrusted with.
I had the honor of placing and co-owning Stella (CH Kazuri’s Diamond In The Sky) with Emma and Amie Adams who have been showing cavaliers longer than I have but never leapt into the breeding side of things. When they mentioned they wanted to start breeding, I was honored to work with them and it has been a pleasure to co-breed a litter and walk them through all the parts from breeding to whelping to dew claws and more.
They are doing a phenomenal job and I am so proud of them. The sire is their lovely boy Granger (GCH BeckWith If the Boot Fits).
If you want to follow the progress of these little poppets, head over to Clairety Cavaliers
I travelled to Amana Iowa to attend “Beaglefest” early Sept and had so much fun meeting fanciers i have “met” online but actually getting to sit and chat with them in person. It was fun to be in the ring with so many amazing dogs and people. There was so much comradery and laughter – everything community and competition should be. If anyone is thinking about going, I would say “do it”.
My little 13 inch beagle Callie (GCHB Kazuri’s Everything’s Sugar N Spice DCAT FDC) won Best of Variety in 13s under respected breeder judge Dr Oleg N Voloshin Ph.D. She went on to win BOSS to the lovely Victor who won 15s. I was thrilled to be in the ring with Victor and be awarded beside him.
Callie also won Select B under Dr. Camille McArdle D.V.M at the Amana Hound Show.
This little spice girl is my heart and soul and she’s not always easy to show, but always gives it her all. She also ran 6 Fast cat runs completing her DCAT and getting many points towards her FCAT.
Callie is owner/breeder shown and I am so thankful to Liz for letting me use Arthur for my Rosie girl. (CH Bill T’s August Rush to Alpenglow x CH Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming up Roses)
I am so proud of miss Brinn – she lives with her mom and dad in Seattle and they agreed to let me show her. Her first show this year was indoors and she got frightened by some loud crashes and dogs barking – so much so that I pulled her from the ring as I didnt want her to associate fear with the ring. We held her and walked her around and by the end of the weekend she was in her groove.
We have shown her sporadically over the Summer and she garnered 4 majors – 2 of which were going BOS over several lovely specials for 5 and 4 point majors! It seemed when judges liked her, they really liked her.
Brinn will take time off now and will hopefully have a litter for Kazuri in 2025 – stay tuned for that announcement.
We are so proud of this little beagle girl who finished her CH title with 4 majors from the 6-9 month class. She has a great ring presence and took to showing well – I am super excited to see what she does next. Congratulations to the Roman family!!
I love this show – this year I decided to take a chance and camp on site in my tiny 14ft camper with my friend Malia, hoping to contain some of the chaos and have a place for the dogs to run when they weren’t needed in the ring.
It meant we had to play logistics games, and we walked over 7 miles a day, but I was grateful for the space we had. We even managed to hook up a mister sprayer to keep them cool in the shade – it was a heat wave everywhere in the country and so we were glad to be able to keep the dogs safe.
I should also mention that we took 4 cavaliers and 9 beagles so it was busy 🙂
On Friday we had the first Cavaliers of Puget Sound specialty show. Our judge was Mrs Valerie Cromer who is a breeder I admire greatly (Truelegance cavaliers). I was thrilled that Charlie (Kazuri’s Mystery of Hope), Paige (Kazuri’s Love Story) and Banksy (Kazuri’s I’m Banking On It at Afton) won their classes. Banksy also won Best Opp in Sweeps also. While we didn’t walk away with points, we were grateful for the nod from a breeder we admire.
The Saturday, we had a ring conflict so Charlie and Banksy got shown, but I had to pull Paige and Piper – i was so gutted. It is hard to show 2 breeds sometimes.
Beagles – the Saturday, as I mentioned above, we had a ring conflict so I was literally running from ring to ring. Malia and I had planned to have help, but ring conflicts for them, meant we were on our own with 9 beagles. It meant that the dogs didn’t have a chance to warm up or get ready. We had a lot of puppies who were at their first show, it wasn’t how we wanted to give them their first ring experience. Despite all of this, the puppies all showed well – they stood on the table and walked on a leash – I will call that a win all around 🙂
Sunday and Monday were better as we didn’t have cavaliers to show. we had great competition so didn’t win it all, but Morrison (Kazuri’s everything reminds me of you) won WD/BOW in 13s for his first major and 5 points. Lucy (Wilderness You Cant Take My Sass) won WB for 2 points on Monday. Callie (GCH Kazuri’s Everything’s Sugar N Spice BCAT) and Savanah (CH Kazuri’s Gonna Be Peachy) won a select Major each. Brinn (Kazuri’s Chasing My Dreams) won reserve all 3 days. Gracie (who I didn’t breed but she comes from dogs I bred) won BOV on Saturday, and select/OHBOV on Monday. So, it was a great weekend all around.
Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that two Jrs borrowed Charlie and Paige for the specialty show, and Callie for the AB show and had some wonderful success – it was fun to see my dogs be shown by someone else and had success – well done S and V!
We love these sweet little boy – our Easter treats. They have all got amazing and loving homes to go to, and we couldnt be more thrilled to welcome new Kazuri families and get a repeat family take a second pup from us. <3
Enjoy their photos – i managed to wrangle individial ones as they were a little tired from being outside.
The weather is starting to get more consistent and the puppies love playing with our bog dogs. we have a couple of guests staying while they are shown by me at local shows so just more fun
They are bright and bold and doing so well – we love them so so much. This is probably the last time I will be able to take formal photos like this as they feel sitting still is much too boring and there is a whole world out there for them to find things.