Charlotte (aka: Int CH LoKazuri Star Fourth in Line TKN)
DOB: Aug. 3 2018
We co-bred Charlotte with Alisha Lockleer from Lockestar Cavaliers and Susan Lockleer. She lives with the Ewert family in Woodinville. Charlotte got her name after Princess Charlotte – hence “Forth in line” because she is 4th in line for the Royal throne of England.
We did a breeding between our Paris and CH Truelegance Pistols At Dawn owned by Kathi from KendallKastle cavaliers. We loved Charlotte’s structure so much, however with tri colors, their markings matter when it comes to showing (which I personally think is silly). Becuase of this, we chose to place her in a guardian home where we could watch her grow up without the risk of her being spayed and have the option to have a litter if she completes all of her health testing once she comes of age. Her personality is lovely and she is very outgoing – there is no one on earth she doesn’t consider her best friend.
Charlotte is bright and easy to train and easily learned 10 tricked to obtain her AKC trick title. Nice job Charlotte.
We also took her to the International show – I love these shows as you get written critiques of your dogs. Here is what they had to say about Charlotte as she got her Int Championship.
Curious graceful girl. Correct coat, round dark eyes, ribs well sprung, Shoulders well laid back, nicely angled back quarters, tail is proper set and carriage, moves well ~ Karen Burgess (USA)
Lovely breed type, good/silky coat, great stop and beautiful flow from head to neck, lovely dark and large – expressive, well let down chest, nice lay back, well angulated back quarters, correct tail, croup and juncture, level with smooth transition to tail ~ Rhonda Silvera (INT & USA)
Lovely type, good texture to coat, sweet expression – proportionate head, lovely eyes, lovely depth of chest, lovely angulation, pretty level topline, balanced pretty movement ~ Regina Lee Bryant (USA)
Lovely balanced female, good quality & condition of coat, correct skull shape & proportions, good depth of chest, good 2nd thigh muscling & turn of stifle, correct set and carriage, strong level topline, brisk movement, well timed, with clean down & back ~Cheri Hollenback (USA)
Charlotte has now earned her retirement and we are so so grateful for the puppies she had, that will continue her legacy for years to come. We have two beautiful daughters Penny and Stella that will hopefully have puppies in 2024/2025.
Health clearances: Curly Coat/Episodic Falling/Dry Eye negative, DM carrier OFA Hips (Good) Eye clear (June 2023) Heart clear (Nov 2022)