Madison’s babies are 2.5 weeks old

I am a little late for the 2 weeks post for Maddy’s babies. It has been a busy week and so I brought them with me to a shoot at my studio this morning.

All of the babies eyes are open and they are getting so strong as they move around the whelping pen. I can see that I will need to set up the potty box in the next week or so for them too.

Enjoy these latest pictures of my squishy babies – they are growing way to fast for my heart. <3






Thank you for your interest in my dogs. At this stage, all of my beagle puppies are sold. I have a current waiting list that may mean you have to wait till 2020 for a puppy to become available. If you are okay with waiting, please get in touch with me – Please see my FAQ page for any questions you might have. thank you. <3

Vixen’s puppies are 5 weeks old

Vixen’s puppies are 5 weeks old and I decided to do their photos outdoors – despite their hour long playtime, they were still not interested in sitting still for pictures – hahaha! And who can blame them when there is a whole big world to explore?

They are on 3 solid meals a day. They sleep alone and are almost weaned. I cant believe they are growing up so quickly.

Holly. She is sweet and gentle. The smallest of the litter, however not to be overlooked – she has spark for sure and wont be pushed around by her siblings.

Eve – my nickname for her is “spicy” – she is the first to wake up and come over when I call them for food and always is in the mix of everything. She is busy and bold and vocal about wanting snuggles.

Noelle – She is the most laid back of the girls – she is a quiet observer and the best sleeper. But always up for a game or a romp with her siblings once things get started.

Kris – he is the bolder of the two boys – very vocal about wanting snuggles and time to explore outside the puppy pen. He loves to be out with the family and is a shadow – always a little busy man.

Nick – he is a snuggly boy who is happy go lucky. He is always happy to play, or explore – whatever the others are doing, he is happy to do too. Just dont pin him down – not keen to stop if he is not in the mood yet.

Thank you for your interest in my dogs. At this stage, all of my beagle puppies are sold. I have a current waiting list that may mean you have to wait till 2020 for a puppy to become available. If you are okay with waiting, please get in touch with me – Please see my FAQ page for any questions you might have. thank you. <3

Beagle puppies play in the sun

It was such a glorious day today, we decided to take the beagle puppies outside for some fun in the sunshine. They weren’t sure of the grass on their toes for about 10 seconds and then they loved it.

Phoenix is their favorite “big sister” and the feeling is mutual – any opportunity she can to play with them, she takes it. So, they all wrestled and enjoyed time in the sun today together. <3 We didnt want to risk the eagles today by giving them the run of the whole yard.

Madison’s puppies are 1 week old today

Madison’s pups are going from strength to strength and I am so happy that they are chubby and thriving. This week I expect that they will open their eyes and start to become a little more interactive.

It was my daughter’s turn to come up with a litter theme – she chose some of her favorite Youtuber’s who make AnimalJam video’s for their names. We dont actually call them these names – they are just how we identify them for the blog. As far as they are concerned, their names are “puppy” till they go to their forever home.

Please dont mind the darker photos – we decided to take these as the light was fading – I like to use natural light so the baby’s eyes dont get affected, but of course that means that when the light went, it really went 🙂

So, without further ado, introducing :

Gelly (after GellyJones) Now lb 3.4oz (was 10.3 at birth)

Cottonzz – now 1lb 3.3oz (was 9.3oz at birth)

Bepper – now 1lb 2.9oz (was 9.5oz at birth)

Wistor (after Wistoriamoon) – now 1lb 6.6oz (was 10oz at birth)

Apparri – now 1lb 4.1oz (was 10.5oz at birth) – the only boy)

Vixen’s puppies are 4 weeks today

Vixen’s puppies are growing up fast – they are enjoying the play pen more and more. I introduced the mini slide this week and they mastered it quickly and play “king of the hill” on the top. I also added a tunnel for them to run through – they love it and as I type several have fallen asleep inside of it 🙂

They are all getting closer to 3lbs. It’s hard to believe that a couple of weeks ago they were barely 1/2 a lb.

Enjoy this week’s pictures – they were a little busy for pictures this week – LOL. But I did my best 🙂 You can see my hubby’s hands in a couple of photos – he was a wonderful puppy wrangler for me 🙂






Madison’s pups – a few days on

Since it was so touch and go after birth, I am happy to announce that it seems we are out of the woods now – the babies are all thriving and putting on weight and I think they will all make it. The vets said that if they made it through day 3, they would be okay.

So, I took more photos today 🙂 The first 8 photos are the four girls and then the last 2 photos are the boy. <3

Vixen’s puppies are 3 weeks

Vixen’s puppies are so adorable and 3 weeks old already. They are a stark contrast to Madison’s new puppies and how teeny they are! They are now walking proficiently, and eating 2 mini meals a day (soon to be 3) and starting to growl and play. It is so fun to watch them becoming tiny dogs.

Please excuse the photos this week – I interrupted naptime and nursing time for photos and so they were very sleepy 😛 LOL – I will do better next week!






Madison and walter welcome their babies into the world

In the wee hours of this morning, Madison started birthing her litter. She went into labor on Sunday evening, and so I figured that we would see puppies sometime that night or Monday morning.

Things were taking longer than I normally expected them to. The first baby was big for a beagle, but not the biggest baby Madison has ever had. However, she showed signs of distress as she had meconium in her sac. This concerned me greatly as I knew that if she breathed any in or ingested any, her little organs could fail. I was encouraged to see she was vigorous and that was a good sign. She was 10.3 oz

Baby number 2 took another 2 hours to arrive – Madison pushed for over an hour on and off. I took her for a walk, and I started to get nervous and wonder if I should take her in for a C-section. Things were really not progressing the way I thought they should. At this time, my mom was with me – we prayed and Maddy started pushing hard. I sat with her, massaging her back and opening up her pelvis – I couldn’t help but wonder if this baby was big. Well, it was. It was big and unfortunately had passed away in the uterus at least 24 hours ago and her placenta was deteriorated. It explained the long labor (lack of hormones for labor) and the hard time Maddy was having.

Now Maddy started having babies quickly. within 10 minutes she had a 3rd girl – this time alive – 9.3oz. Again with meconium in her sack, but vigorous and pink.

Twenty minutes later, another little girl made her entrance into the world. 9.5oz. Again – the meconium – we were prepared and got the sack off her right away.

Fourteen minutes later, a little boy appeared – 10.5oz. Another healthy puppy – much to be rejoicing about!

Then Madison took a break for about 40 mins and then her final baby girl arrived safely into the world. 10.0oz. One again – meconium in her sack, but lively and bright.

The scary thing about having meconium in their sacks is that if they breathed it in, or ingested it, their little organs can just start shutting down and they can die.

So, I have given them Fresh Plasma, and will be putting them on clavamox (as per the vets instructions) to help as much as I can and pray that they survive.

They say “breeding is not for the faint of heart” – and that is the truth. People who do it well, pour their heart and soul into each litter. We bleed when they do, we rejoice when they do, we stay up night after night with the pups and momma. But it’s so worth it 🙂

Beagles and Cavalier King Charles Dogs