Vixen’s babies are 2 weeks old

I was travelling last week and so wasn’t able to post “one week” photos – my cavalier breeding partner looked after them. I couldn’t believe how much they grew in a week!

I have also given them little temporary names. My friend Sarah Yates gave me the inspiration of “Christmas in July” since Vixen was born on Christmas Eve, and I have been waiting for this litter for 2 years, it feels like Christmas 🙂 I loved it. SO – introducing them to you. <3

Holly – the smallest of the pack – now 1lb 2.4oz

Eve – now 1lb 9.5oz

Kris – now 1lb 7.4oz

Noelle – Now 1lb 6.4oz

Nick – 1lb 9.9oz

Penny and Flame’s Puppy’s Visit

Penny and Flame’s puppies came to visit me in the studio for some final pictures before they go to their new homes. A couple of them have already left, so really it’s just the puppies who are left. <3

They are just the sweetest bunch – we are so thrilled how they have turned out – pretty, healthy and with great temperaments.

We welcome new beagle puppies – Vixen is a mom

In the early hours of Monday the 29th, after a very long day and night of labor, Vixen started giving birth.

Vixen is an amazing mom. After she was done, she got straight to loving on them, cleaning them and nursing. Her instincts are so strong.

Puppy #1 was a little girl – 8.2 oz at 7:34am. She took a long time to be born and caused a bit of pain as her placenta wouldn’t come away and so I had to intervene and cut her free. I am thankful she is alive and thriving.

Puppy #2 was a little boy – 8.3oz at 8:01am. He was born quickly and without any trouble at all.

Baby #3 was another girl – a 9.1 oz tri who unfortunately got stuck at the head/shoulders. It took me and my son 20 mins to gently and firmly pull her free without hurting Vixen, but by the time she was out, she had suffocated. It was very upsetting and a deeply felt loss. This was around 9:10

We decided at this point that 2/3 puppies had gotten stuck, and I didnt want to take another chance. We put Vix and the pups in the car and headed to the vet for a C-section. Thank you to Dr Donna Sowder at Animal Hospital at Murphy’s Corner for being available to us!

While en route, another baby was born in the car – my son (14) whelped her for me. What a champ! 8.1 oz at 9:39am.

When we arrived at the vet, they decided we should try to have the other 2 naturally, and if we needed to have surgery, they would do that immediately. Vixen was given a shot of Oxy and we waited in the “quiet room”.

At 10:04 another little girl arrived. 8.5oz. Uneventful and easy birth. We were on the right track.

The final puppy born was another boy – he was 8.6oz and born at 11.10am. He took a bit of time as he was big, but didnt get stuck (thankfully).

After a quick x-ray to make sure that we were indeed finished, we headed home. Vixen settled in and she was happy.

These puppies are all spoken for. <3

James gets his 2nd Major!!

Not to be outdone by his little brother, James decided the major on Sunday at the Cook Inlet Kennel Club was going to be his!!

Way to go Susan Lockleer showing James to his 2nd major for 4pts under judge Cindy Vogels!

Kaszuri East of Eden, CGC TKN – “James” is by CH Verheyen Dustin , JW – bred and owned by Mary Cunningham of the amazing Verheyen cavaliers x LockeStar Love Struck, CGC – “Arrow”.

He was bred by and is co-owned by myself (Sarah) and Alisha Lockleer from LockeStar cavaliers, and of course is owned by Susan. You did us all proud!

Truman gets his first major!

I am so very proud of Truman – Kazuri’s Struck By The Truth with LockeStar, CGC at the Cook Inlet Kennel club show! He won Winners Dog/Best Of Winners from the 9 to 12mo class for a 4pt major, then Best Of Breed over 3 specials bumping up to 5pts! Thank you Judge Timothy Catterson for seeing such potential in our young boy!

We are over the moon!!

Truman is by GCH Orchard Hill True Enough – Blake owned by Mia Lawson from Zelosia Cavaliers and LockeStar Love Struck, CGC – Arrow.

Special thank you to Truman’s co-owners Alisha Lockleer and Susan Lockleer for seeing the potential in him when he was just a pup, and for taking Truman to Alaska this weekend and showing him so well.

A huge thanks again to Zoelea Jones Vey for her amazing hospitality towards them and our dogs, for the second year in a row, making it not only about dog shows, but about visiting friends and just having a grand time! I wish I wasn’t on puppy watch and could have been there – maybe next year!

Brianna and Sirius – a dream team!

Brianna (my daughter) decided to take Sirius in the Jrs ring this weekend at the Cavaliers of Puget Sound (COPS) dog shows at Puyallup Kennel Club. She also took him into the Breed ring. Sirius responds so well to her – he watches her intently and just loves her.

To our amazement and thrill, Sirius and Brianna won the first (and only) Award of Merit under esteemed breeder judge Mrs. Cindy Huggins! <3 What a win indeed! <3

I really hope they continue – they could go so far together.

Paris gets a clear MRI Scan

We are thrilled to announce that Paris got a clear MRI Scan this weekend.

It was wonderful news for our breeding program and all of her puppies.

SM/CM are polygenic – this means that the genes can be hidden through multiple generations and pop up unexpectedly. However, we can use this tool as information moving forward in our breeding program and hopefully make the best decisions for healthy pups in the future.

Lockestar Puppies come to visit

While Alisha and Susan were away getting Paris MRI scanned, we were on puppy duty for Flame and Penny and their puppies. Of course, I had to take them outside for some quick photos. They are 6.5 weeks old and so sweet.

I think a couple of them are still available and so if you are interested in one, please contact Alisha through:

Allie gets her 2nd major!

I am so proud that after a reserve win to a major, Miss Allie won her 2nd Major win under Hound specialist Mrs Azalea Alvarez at the Coeur d’Alene dog show this weekend. She was piloted by Emma Adams, a wonderful Jr Handler who will be showing her at some of the hound specialties over the Summer as she tries to qualify for Westminster this year. I am so proud of you both!

Beagles and Cavalier King Charles Dogs