Sirius gets his urban cgc title

Sirius seems to be a dog who wants to do it all. He is a Grand CH, he has his Good Canine Citizen Award, a trick Title, a Therapy Dog Title, Has steps towards his Barn Hunt Title….and there are plans for him to start agility. He is smart and friendly – he is just a great dog. He makes me so proud as a breeder. Not only is he pretty, but he is functional. 🙂

Today, Emma and Alisha took Sirius and Bentley on a bus and out in public to get their Urban Good Canine Citizen Award. Of course, they both passed with flying colors!

Great job guys!

Truman gets his cGC award and a 3rd placement

We are so proud of our little Truman – today at the Nationals, placed 3rd in a huge competitive 6 to 9mo puppy class at the 25th anniversary ACKCSC Nationals! He is sired by Mia Lawson‘s boy GCH Orchard Hill True Enough – “Blake” and out of my girl LockeStar Love Struck, CGC – “Arrow”.

He then went on to get his Good Canine Citizen Award – so he now gets to put CGC behind his name 🙂 Good boy Tru for proving you can be the good boy we already knew you to be.

Cavalier puppy playtime

I have Paris’ litter staying with me while Alisha is attending the American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (ACKCS) National in Cape Cod with Sirius and Truman. We are of course cheering them on. The exciting part of this is, that I have two litters to play with instead of one this week 🙂

Since the puppies are big enough to play together, they have their own individual pens for sleeping in, but I combine them together for playtime. I have a mini slide and a tunnel for them to play in, as well as a balance board. Its so fun to see them tousle and enjoy the time together

You can also see that Arrow and Paris (and my beagles) are never far away – always watching to see how they can get in on the action as well.

The ACKCS National

The American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club is hosting it’s annual National – dogs come from all over the country to compete together and show off their latest show hopefuls, and just have a great time meeting new friends and seeing old ones.

Alisha got to go on behalf of myself and Susan, and took Sirius (GCH Lokestar ‘Cause I’m Up to No Good) and Truman (Kazuri’s Struck by the Truth with Lockestar).

She is also travelling with Emma, a jr handler who has an amazing work ethic and is just an awesome young lady – she has a cavalier Bentley she competes with in Jrs and they make a great team – I wish them all the best as they travel together!

Arrow’s cavalier babies are 4 weeks old

The cavalier king Charles puppies are growing up and boy are they a barrel of fun now. They are eating food 3 times a day (I think that deserves it’s own post next) and for their 4 week anniversary we took them outside for the first time. The weather around Woodinville has been nice lately – (I know – what is up with the lack of rain Washington? I dont know, but if Seattle keeps being like this, our city will keep exploding with people :P) The babies of course LOVED it – probably too much as it was hard to get a photo of them as they wanted to explore and play rather than sit still for silly pictures. Even when they are not sure, their tails are always wagging which I absolutely love. These little ones have beyond captured my heart.

Prada – now 1lb 5oz (still our smallest – tiny but mighty)

Burberry – now 1lb 8.5oz – our most feisty – I love her little growls

Chanel – 2lb 4oz – still our biggest 🙂

Virgil – my cruisy “little” man – often found sleeping on his back somewhere 2lb 3oz

Playtime with momma and the beagles is so much fun – especially when it’s muddy outside

Brisa’s cavalier litter

As some people know, I have cavalier breeding partners Susan Lockleer and Alisha Lockleer from LockeStar cavaliers. While this cavalier litter is not mine, I am excited to share with you and celebrate with them the safe arrival of 3 tri boys and 3 black and tan girls from Brisa and Journey. Brisa is Arrow’s niece and so these puppies are related to my puppies also.

I got to meet them today – a week old <3

Information about this litter, the parents and the breeders can be found at the LockeStar website:

Arrow’s cavalier pups are 3 weeks

Arrow’s puppies are growing like little weeds. They are starting to explore the puppy pen and we hear little growls and “yips” when they try to play (and by play I mean wiggle and bat each other without coordination)

They had their first taste of food this week and LOVED it. We will start to incorporate more food as they are starting to need the extra food.

Enjoy this weeks pictures

Miss Prada.

Miss Burberry

Miss Chanel

Mr Virgil

Please note that we are a small, family hobby cavalier king Charles spaniel breeder here in Woodinville which is just north of Seattle, Washington. We have a network of other breeders that we are connected to, so if we dont have a puppy for you, we would be happy to connect you to someone else who might have a perfect furry companion for you.

Paris’ pups are 2.5 weeks

Paris is an amazing mama and her babies are thriving under her care. They are growing so big and their eyes are opening and they are starting to move around. I went to Alisha’s for a visit and of course had to bring my camera for a quick shoot before a cuddle.

Blenheim girl #1

Tri boy #1

Blenheim girl #2

Tri boy #2

Blenheim Boy #1

Tri girl #1

Please note that we are a small, family hobby cavalier king Charles spaniel breeder here in Woodinville which is just north of Seattle, Washington. We have a network of other breeders that we are connected to, so if we dont have a puppy for you, we would be happy to connect you to someone else who might have a perfect furry companion for you.

Beagles and Cavalier King Charles Dogs