Maddy’s temp dropped on Monday evening so we knew it was just a matter of time before her babies would be making an appearance. She was calm and sleepy and certainly made the most of her final days of beauty sleep.
The morning of her labor, I had gotten up several times to check on her in the night. While she didn’t want me to leave her alone, she also wasn’t ready for birth so I went back to bed.
In the morning, she decided the couch was where she wanted to have her babies. We had other ideas of course. Around 7am her water sack appeared and she promptly popped it. So, Brianna took her on a few walks around the yard and we waited for the signs of the first baby to appear.

At 8:50am our first baby was born – uneventfully. 🙂 A big bonny boy. 10.1 oz with a full white face and big wide blaze. i was officially in love and excited to see the litter if this was any indication.

Baby #2 came at 10:15. Another boy. 9.7oz – this one with a little J shape on his neck.

Boy #3 came at 10:47. He was 9.6oz and had a little spot in the middle of his neck.

Boy #4 arrived with a lot of noise. He was born feet first and at a whopping 11.7oz with loads of white.

Our next puppy was a GIRL – we had almost resigned ourselves to a full litter of boys so she was a fun surprise. A petite 9.5oz

And our final baby was a final baby boy – 11.6oz (again feet first).

Then Maddy went into rest mode. I thought there might be another one to come, so I made sure with an xray at the vet, but it showed we were all done. so we brought her home to enjoy her babies.
Boy oh boy, Maddy and AJ did good <3