Beagle Puppies are on the way

We here at Kazuri are excited to announce the upcoming litter of Maddy and Slugger.  This is a line breeding and includes some gorgeous dogs on both sides.  I am excited to see what these two produce.

(CH Foxtail’s Dreaming of the Race and CH Milroc Swing on the Fence)

Due Mid April.  We will do an x-ray early April to confirm how many we are expecting.


Pedigree Maddy x Slugger

Congratulations to Diesel

Although, not a Kazuri beagle, I wanted to say congratulations to my mentor Sheri from Foxtail Beagles – Madison’s littermate Diesel went BIS yesterday AND today at the Kansas City Garden show under judges Dr Alvin Krause (Variety & Group) and Judge Mrs Betsy Horn Humer (Best in Show) and todays judges Ms Elizabeth Muthard (Breed), Mr Charles Olvis (Group) and Dr Donald Gill (Best in Show).

Diesel seems to be following in daddy JJ’s pawprints.  We are so proud of what you have achieved so far!


Puppy Sitting

Its been over a year and a half since we had a litter of puppies so when Alisha from Lockestar Cavaliers contacted me about socializing her recent litter, we jumped at the chance.  These puppies’ mom is Arrow’s sister Penny.

Baylea, Kinzie and Dollar were a little timid at first but it didn’t take them long to get used to the “small humans” in our home 🙂

What fun to have these little puppies in our home for the week!

Rose Classic – Portland Shows

It is my first time being on the road and staying away from home during a dog show – the Portland Rose classic is a big 4 day All-breed show.  Its fun to play around in the Best of Breed ring as we try to garner points towards our Grand CH title.

Over the weekend we got Select 2x and went Best of Opposite 2x which equates to 4 more points towards our title. Wahoo!

portland show

Happy Birthday Stella

Happy Happy 1st Birthday Stella (Kazuri’s When you wish upon a star). I remember the day you were born – all 5 oz of you. You had a slow start, but you made up with it quickly being 1 pound on day 8. You were always a clown and a delight to have in the house. We are so blessed you found your forever home with Michelle & Mike, Olivia, Jericho, Gracie and Marley. xoxo

stellastella puppy

Maddy gets a Group 4

Getting Best of Breed is an honor.  Once you are the best in your breed, you get to show against the best in breed in all the other breeds in your group.

For beagles, they are a hound and so go back into the ring with the best of breeds such as Afgans, Deerhounds, Bassets, Dachshunds, Whippets, Greyhounds….well you get the idea.  🙂  There are a lot of amazing dogs in the same ring.

Well today, Maddy got 4th place in Hound group – how exciting for us!!  We are well on our way to our Canadian CH title.

canda group4

Beagles and Cavalier King Charles Dogs