Maddy starts on her Canadian CH title

We have started working on Maddison’s Canadian CH title while we wait for her to be old enough to finish her health clearances in 2016. September 26/27th we had a great time at the Mount Cheam Kennel Club meet in Chiliwack getting Best of Opposite in Beagles (thank you judge Satoshi Bessho) and group 4 in our 12-18 month class (thank you judge Maxine Moinier) on the Saturday.  We took Best of Breed (thank you judge Takahiro Miyagawa) on Sunday.

canada shows

Madison finishes her CH title

We needed 2 points to finish her CH title – and luckily for us we got them plus 2 extras at the Western Washington Hound Association show.  We finished in style by going Best of Opposite and Best of Winners garnering a 4 point major.  I was especially proud as it was a hot summers day and over 90 degrees by the time we got in the ring.

Congratulations Maddy on finishing your CH title in style!  Big thank you to judge Sharon Sakson for the honor of this win.


Welcoming Arrow to our family

Our daughter B wanted a dog of her own.  We told her we would be happy for her to have a dog of her own if she would save up $200 towards the purchase price, and research the perfect breed for her.

She worked all Summer long, pet sitting and doing chores for neighbors.  And she created lists of the things the perfect dog would have.  The biggest thing was she wanted a dog that was potty trained (so an older puppy or young dog) and that would like being dressed up, didn’t require much exercise and wasn’t too big.

She came up with Cavalier King Charles – luckily one of our local vet techs, Julia, is a CKCS breeder and I know she is very health conscious and so I thought she would be a great resource.  She put us in touch with her close friend Alisha from Lockestar Cavaliers and they told us about Arrow.

Miss Arrow came to live with us and immediately made herself at home.  We are delighted to add CKCS to our kennel.

Stella grows up

Stella is growing up well – she is a spunky little girl with loads of personality – these pictures were taken when she was about 9 weeks old.  She could have made a cute show pup.

Unfortunately, her bite is not perfect. As a breeder, I could put doggie braces on her (yes that is a real thing)…but ethically I would know that it could show up again in her bloodline if I ever chose to breed her.  And I don’t want to cut corners as a breeder.

We made the sad decision to home her as a pet.  Sometimes I believe that God has a plan greater than we can imagine and Mike and Michelle got in touch with us about a puppy.  Stella has gone to her new home in Oregon and I couldn’t be more thrilled with how cherished she is – and that she has 3 beagles and a Lhasa as fur siblings 🙂

stella2 stella

Jessie’s final puppy

stella puppy

This is little Stella – Jessie’s final puppy.  With progesterone testing and perfect timing, she produced only one puppy, so we made the hard decision to spay her on delivery.

With breeding, we take our job very seriously – not just extensively health testing our dams – but also making hard decisions if we need to.

Unfortunately, Jessie had trouble getting pregnant and trouble whelping.  It is no one’s fault – it is just the nature of nature.  But we believe that its unfair to Jessie to make her go through this again and so spaying her means we can have her as our couch potato from now on.

Little Stella was 5 oz at birth and took about 30 minutes to breathe steadily.  She is now nursing well and growing perfectly.  We are in love.


Cooper is our old soul – at nearly 11, we are aware that we will soon be on borrowed time with him.  My friend Sacha Blue met us in Kirkland this sunny evening.  At the last minute I decided to bring the dogs and I am so glad I did as she captured this beautiful portrait of my son, my mom and Cooper.

6 years ago we brought him to the USA from New Zealand and I haven’t regretted that decision once.  He was my first beagle love and our very start in this beautiful breed.

beagle seattle wa

Beagles and Cavalier King Charles Dogs