Household Cleaners

I get asked this question a lot so I thought this might be a good place to address it

Try not to use anything with sol in it i.e. Pinesol, Lysol – they are very toxic to dogs. A cleaner I have found and love is called “Angry Orange”. It is concentrated so you need to dilute in a spray bottle, but it is easy on the body and smells amazing – and the main ingredient is orange peels.
Vinegar is also great non-toxic cleaner but can make your space smell like a salad 🙂 You can buy cleaning vinegar usually by the ammonia and bleach at the market, the difference between this and regular distilled white vinegar is that cleaning vinegar has a little higher ph.

While potty training, you will probably need an enzyme cleaner so the puppy doesn’t smell the pee spot and think that is the place to “go”. We love “Natures Miracle” and “Furry Freshness”. Just air the area well as it can be potent.

Beagles and Cavalier King Charles Dogs