Allie (aka CH Bory Wood Velvet TKN)
DOB: 19 July 2018
We purchased Allie from Ildiko and Levente Koszorus who are breeders in Romania. I had been wanting to purchase a bitch for a while that was not related to my own girls (since they are all so closely related), but was still the same type as them so they could be complimentary in my breeding program. I saw a post that Ildiko had made about Allie being available. When I saw her pedigree, I enquired about her. She comes from some Australian, Canadian and US lines I adore and so it seemed like a no brainer.
Allie is energetic, goofy and very sweet. She loves to crawl up into your lap for belly rubs. But be careful – she will chew your favorite shoes if not watched carefully 🙂 HA!
Allie started off her showing career with a bang, getting a 3 point major the 2nd time ever setting foot in the ring. On her first weekend out, she already had accumulated 5 points towards her CH title. It didnt take her long to gather the rest, and she achieved her Puppy of Achievement Title as well as her CH title with 3 majors, including a 5 point major as her finale 🙂
Allie may now work on other sports. In May 2020 she earned her Novice Trick title easily.
Allie is retired and lives with the Moore family in Bellevue WA, living her best and most cushy life with her Rat Terrier brother.
We have completed her DNA testing through Embark – You can read the results yourself by clicking here. She is clear of MLS and Factor 7, PKD, Glaucoma, CAT, MFN2, Brittle Bone Disease. She carries the gene for PRA and NCCD and so will be bred to boys who are clear to these so none of her puppies will be affected by them.
Her eyes have been tested clear by an ophthalmologist (Feb 2019) (OFA BE-EYE238/10F-VPI). Her heart was cleared by a cardiologist in Nov 2019 (OFA BE-ACA70/15F-VPI). Patellas Normal (OFA BE-PA287/24F/P-VPI) OFA Hips graded Good (BE-1020G24F-VPI)