Summer (aka. Kazuri’s Sweet Summertime Kisses )
DOB: Feb 17 2020
Miss Summer is the daughter I hoped and prayed for, from our imported girl Kiss.
For Kiss’s retirement litter, I decided to breed her to the beautiful Denny (CH Covington Designed By Time). I wanted to have a daughter to keep at my house that had a wonderful temperament and was gorgeous and Miss Summer is just that.
She is a sweet little girl and eager to please – she learned out to “sit”, “down” and “roll over” in a matter of minutes. It does help that she is very treat motivated. She gets along with everyone she meets.
With Covid, she hasn’t been shown much. At the tender age of 6 months and a few days, we showed her at the one day COPS (Cavalier of Puget Sound) show in Aug 2020. One year later, we showed her again at the same one day show and she was reserve winners bitch to a 5 point major. I guess she was ready to start her show career. She unfortunately hurt her leg playing in the yard and so a little rehab and acupuncture and a lot of rest. She then went to Whidbey Island Kennel club. She took Winners Bitch for her first 2 points on the Sunday under judge Mrs Emily (Fish) Barnhart. Good job Summer. She will be hitting the ring again early 2022. <3
**Summer is retired early due to failing a health test. While this was a huge blow to my breeding program, it is the right thing to do. I will grieve this for a long time** She is loved by the Flowers family and the queen of their home.
Health clearances: EF/CCS negative by parentage Eye clear (April 2021 ) Hear clear May 2021