Tag Archives: akc

Brisa’s cavalier litter

As some people know, I have cavalier breeding partners Susan Lockleer and Alisha Lockleer from LockeStar cavaliers. While this cavalier litter is not mine, I am excited to share with you and celebrate with them the safe arrival of 3 tri boys and 3 black and tan girls from Brisa and Journey. Brisa is Arrow’s niece and so these puppies are related to my puppies also.

I got to meet them today – a week old <3

Information about this litter, the parents and the breeders can be found at the LockeStar website: https://anyeazi.wixsite.com/lockestarcavaliers

Arrow’s cavalier pups are 3 weeks

Arrow’s puppies are growing like little weeds. They are starting to explore the puppy pen and we hear little growls and “yips” when they try to play (and by play I mean wiggle and bat each other without coordination)

They had their first taste of food this week and LOVED it. We will start to incorporate more food as they are starting to need the extra food.

Enjoy this weeks pictures

Miss Prada.

Miss Burberry

Miss Chanel

Mr Virgil

Please note that we are a small, family hobby cavalier king Charles spaniel breeder here in Woodinville which is just north of Seattle, Washington. We have a network of other breeders that we are connected to, so if we dont have a puppy for you, we would be happy to connect you to someone else who might have a perfect furry companion for you.

Paris’ pups are 2.5 weeks

Paris is an amazing mama and her babies are thriving under her care. They are growing so big and their eyes are opening and they are starting to move around. I went to Alisha’s for a visit and of course had to bring my camera for a quick shoot before a cuddle.

Blenheim girl #1

Tri boy #1

Blenheim girl #2

Tri boy #2

Blenheim Boy #1

Tri girl #1

Please note that we are a small, family hobby cavalier king Charles spaniel breeder here in Woodinville which is just north of Seattle, Washington. We have a network of other breeders that we are connected to, so if we dont have a puppy for you, we would be happy to connect you to someone else who might have a perfect furry companion for you.

Arrow’s puppies are 2 weeks

Arrow’s little cavalier puppies are 2 weeks old today. They have all started to open their eyes which means they have all started to mobilize. Like fat little sausages, they wobble across the whelping box to find where ever Arrow is sleeping if they decide that they are hungry. I guess that means its almost time to bring out the potty mats. 🙂

Miss Prada – tiny but mighty at 11.82oz

Miss Burberry – now 15.03oz

Miss Chanel is now 18.91oz (or 1 lb 2.91oz)

And then finally Mr Virgil is 16.20 oz (or 1lb 2oz)

Please note that we are a small, family hobby cavalier king Charles spaniel breeder here in Woodinville which is just north of Seattle, Washington. We have a network of other breeders that we are connected to, so if we dont have a puppy for you, we would be happy to connect you to someone else who might have a perfect furry companion for you.

Beagle pups are 9 weeks ~ final post before we say goodbye

This will be the final post of all the pups together as we will say goodbye to most of the litter later this week as they will be off to their forever homes.

Its bittersweet….

One or two of the boys will stay with co-breeders Mike and Karen to grow up and see if they will become show dogs.  But everyone else will be loved companions.  We are thankful to each incredible family who is adopting these guys.  We know they are so lucky to be going home with you.

Beagle Puppies are 6 weeks

The babies are 6 weeks old.  I can hardly believe it.  🙂  It snowed here in Seattle – yes – you read that right – snowed in November!!  so, the puppies first days in the grass were with little bits of snow.

They loved playing out in the grass and leaves and exploring the yard with the big dogs – and boy did they take a big nap afterwards!   I can see this is going to be a new daily activity for everyone 🙂

Enjoy xo

Nemo Lulu Gabriel Rueben Riverpebble

First Stacking Attempt

Today I did my first attempt at stacking the beagle babies (4.5 weeks old).

This (for those not in the show world) gives us the ability to be able to see the structure of each puppy – how their forechest and angles look, their topline and head shape.  We will do this over the coming weeks and try and figure out which puppy/s will stay and grow up here at Kazuri, and which will go to their new forever companion home.

Stacking is new and confusing for them and I do it gently and keep it fun as i want the babies to think its a game to stand still.  I am learning myself, so these are not perfect by any means.







Beagle puppies turn 4 weeks old.

I travelled to NZ last week so the babies spent the week with a friend of mine.  While I was away, they grew so much.  They found their voice! They have little growls and howls.

They started solids this week and they love it so much. And they are walking with confidence, and playing together.

Enjoy this week’s photos <3





