Tag Archives: amana

Nick gets his BCAT title

We are so excited that Nick (GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For CHristmas TKN ATT GCG) added a new title to the end of his name with a BCAT in Amana Iowa last weekend.

It was humid, and Nick arrived to the course with no prior experience as to what he was supposed to do, but quickly got what the game was. By the end of the weekend and 6 runs, he had completed his BCAT and we are hoping to continue and get him more fun titles. Good job Nick

Amana Iowa Dog Show “Beaglefest”

Every year there is a set of beagle and all breed shows held in Amana Iowa – it is dubbed “beaglefest” and I just knew I had to go. My friends Dolly and Malia joined me and of course I got to spend time with my beloved friends Mike and Karen Kurtzner.

It did not disappoint – I got to meet people that I “know” online and chat to them in person. I got to see and exhibit with beautiful dogs and showed my girl Callie and her 1/2 sister DeeJay (who currently lives with Mike and Karen).

I had so very much fun except for being totally allergic to something in the region, meaning my nose was always running and eyes puffy – but I didnt even mind as I had so much fun.

We even did Fastcat for Nick, Savannah, Callie and Gracie.

See you all next year!!! Same time, same place!! <3