Every year there is a set of beagle and all breed shows held in Amana Iowa – it is dubbed “beaglefest” and I just knew I had to go. My friends Dolly and Malia joined me and of course I got to spend time with my beloved friends Mike and Karen Kurtzner.
It did not disappoint – I got to meet people that I “know” online and chat to them in person. I got to see and exhibit with beautiful dogs and showed my girl Callie and her 1/2 sister DeeJay (who currently lives with Mike and Karen).
I had so very much fun except for being totally allergic to something in the region, meaning my nose was always running and eyes puffy – but I didnt even mind as I had so much fun.
We even did Fastcat for Nick, Savannah, Callie and Gracie.
See you all next year!!! Same time, same place!! <3