Our first 2025 litter is so special and was born on Valentines day. <3 Can you believe it?
This is a litter co-bred by myself and Dolly from Joyful Noise beagles in Spokane WA. She was a true gem and whelped this litter which i anxiously awaited as we had a snow storm on the pass and it wouldn’t have been safe for me to get there. (and in hindsight I would have never made it in time).
Violet and Denver did so good and gave us 5 bonny babies – 2 girls and 3 boys. I will introduce them all properly in a bit.
For now, mommy and babies are doing awesome. We are so so thankful.
I couldn’t be more proud of these two boys who have both earned an invite to Westminster Kennel Club.
WKC is not the largest dog show in the USA, but holds a tradition of being one of the oldest dog shows in the USA having it’s first show debut on May 8, 1877. There is a certain pride breeders and handlers get from their dog placing at WKC.
An interesting fact is that the The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is one of a handful of benched shows in the United States. This means that all of the dogs are required to be on display at their assigned show benches during the entire show except for when they are shown in the ring, being groomed, or taken outside to potty. This type of display allows spectators and breeders alike to have an opportunity of seeing all the entered dogs, ask questions and put their hands on some of the best quality dogs in the country.
2025 we have a 15 inch dog and 13 inch dog going in beagles.
TEX (15 inch) – MRBISOH BISS GCHG Kazuri N Van-Mar Trouble in Texas – (By BISS CH Ha-Penny’s Too Much Trouble x AUS CH Karakush Proof Is Inth Pudding). Bred-by and Owned by Chelsea Metteer & Sarah Sweetman and co-owned by Hillary Arnaud
MURPHY (13 inch) – RBIS BISS GCHG Kazuri’s Everything’s Gonna Be Alright – (By CH Bill T’s August Rush To Alpenglow x CH Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming Up Roses). Bred-by Sarah Sweetman & Mike and Karen Kurtzner and co-owned by Sarah Sweetman, Sarah Sweetman
(By BISS CH Ha-Penny’s Too Much Trouble x AUS CH Karakush Proof Is Into Pudding)
Bred and owned by Sarah Sweetman and Chelsea Metteer; co-owned with Hillary Arnaud.
I couldn’t be prouder of Tex and Chelsea and the start they have had to the 2025 show season. They are such a great team and I am cheering them on as they prepare to show at the prestigious Westminster Kennel club.
At the San Fernando Kennel Club they received Two NOHS Reserve Best in Shows and a regular hound Group 3rd. Thank you judges Shindle and Robinson… Be sure to scroll to the last to see Chelsea’s son Ronin’s adorable self in the last photo!
How is this even possible? I guess for a while there it felt slow as little Glinda was so sick and fragile, but now the pups are running and jumping and playing like little crazy beans and almost ready to go home.
Due to the rain and bitter cold, we are still only doing small times outside, but I am thankful for their confidence and know they will adjust to pottying full time outside when it warms up.
We will do one final group shot of them, but otherwise enjoy these final photos of them together as 7 (actually 6 as it was cold out and Glinda cant handle it quite yet – bonus she has made it to 2.5lbs!!). Glinda will stay at Kazuri for a few more weeks as we monitor her and make sure she is healthy and strong.
It has been raining and wet and so much of the puppy playtime has been indoors which is fine as we adore these little souls.
I decided to record today one of their play sessions – their little stair set, the cat tunnel, and the crab toy they like to chase – we use all of these things and more to help them be confident little puppies in their new homes. Whether in the ring or on a couch, I want each of my pups to have a solid foundation to be confident in the world.
Harley’s sweet babies are 6 weeks and moved to their big dog area today. They have so much more space and multiple beds along with more toys to play with.
The weather was not too cold today and so we were able to take them outside for their first explore and they did so well. A little complaining but mostly exploring, eating leaves and wandering around sniffing things. I was so proud of their confidence.
These little munchkins are growing up before my eyes and I am so excited by the families who will take them and love them forever.
Enjoy their photos from this week – I did my favorite “blue chair” shots.
It is nearly Christmas and so it seemed fitting to do their 5 week old photos in front of the Christmas tree. They are all thriving and doing so well – it is hard to believe some will be heading to their new homes in a few short weeks.
Enjoy their Yule tide photos – we wish everyone a Merry Christmas
Things are starting to really get fun with the puppies becoming animated – they wake up and toddle over when we walk into the room and try to play bite our fingers. They love the new toys in their area and try to drag them around and fight them. it’s really fun to see them and start seeing glimpses of their personalities.
They are all healthy and well after their tummy troubles from last week, and I am grateful to see steady growth from all of them including teeny little Glinda who still is under one pound. It’s crazy to see how much smaller she is than the others, but don’t discount her as she can hold her own – she is tiny but very mighty.
Enjoy their latest photos – the next ones will be almost Christmas and so we shall try to do a little christmasy theme I think