We decided to debut Watson (Kazuri’s Time To Solve A Mystery) at the Lewiston ID cluster as we figured the 4 days would give him a chance to see what this whole “showing” thing was all about.
Well – figure it out, he did. He surprised us all with his success. On Friday he went WD/BOW under judge Mr Larry C Abbott. On Saturday, he went WD/BOW/Best of Variety for a 4 point major under judge Ms Lee Whittier. On Sunday he did it again by going WD/BOW/Best of Variety for a 3 point major under judge Mrs Vicky L Abbott.
What a debut indeed garnering both majors and over half his CH points! Thank you to all of these judges for finding Watson and overlooking his Covid enthusiasm – it is for this reason we hadn’t shown him yet – just wanting him to mature a little HAHA.
Watson is the son of my imported girl from Debbie Kerr, “Kiss” (Kinvaar Kiss This TKN) and “Denny” (GCH Covington Designed By Time). Thank you to Heidi Mohn and Carla Mathies for letting me use their sweet boy on my Kissaroo.
Thank you to Tammie John Sommerson-Wilcox and Octavia Stensen for presenting him so beautifully this weekend. And thank you to Megan Hogan and Jeff for letting me borrow “our” boy so he could start on his CH title. I appreciate it so much.
Dutch (Van-Mar N Kazuri Brewin’ Up Trouble) had a couple of great weekends at both Albany and Lewiston.
At Albany, on Friday he went Winners Dog/Best of Winners/Best of Variety under judge Mr Douglas Johnson. On Saturday he went Winners Dog under judge Mrs Cindy Vogels.
In Lewiston on Friday he went Winners Dog/Best of winners for a 5 point major under judge Mr Jerry M Watson. On Saturday he went winners dog for a 3 point major under judge Mrs Vicki L Abbott.
Dutch has just turned 9 months old this week and has a lot of maturing left to do, but we are proud of him. He has 10 points with both majors under his belt.
Dutch was bred by, and is co-owned by Chelsea Metteer and myself (Sarah Sweetman).Thank you to all the judges that found our boy. And thank you to Sarah Smith-Falkner for caring for Dutch and showing him. Chels is about to go on maternity leave and I was travelling and so couldn’t take him to these shows.
At the Pensacola Florida shows, Nick wins Back to Back Best In Shows for his 6th and 7th BIS wins.
On Saturday we are thankful to judges Mrs Vikki L Abbot for the Variety win, to judge Ms. Jocelyne Gagne for the Hound group win and to judge Mr Gary L Anderson for the Best In Show.
On Sunday we are thankful to judge Mr Gary L Anderson for the Hound Group win and to judge Ms. Jocelyne Gagne for the Variety win and his Best In Show win.
Nick is MBIS MBISS MRBIS GCHG Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN. The USA #1 15 inch beagle (Breed and All Breed) and #2 Hound.
He was bred by and is co-owned by Sarah Sweetman (Kazuri) and Mike and Karen Kurtzner.
*Sob* – this is the final post I will be doing of these precious little ones as they will start going to their new homes. I will be keeping close tabs on them of course, but it is always bittersweet to say goodbye. It has been so special to raise these precious little babies.
Cinnamon is now going to be called Willow – Kazuri’s Cover Me In Sunshine. I will co-own her with Maria from Starfall Samoyds.
Nutmeg (yet to be named) will be moving to live with his 1/2 brother with the Miller family
Ginger is now known as Crosby – Kazuri’s Answered Prayer and will be living with his mother Vixen who is retiring and the Neuenschwander family in Oregon
Clove who is staying at Kazuri and his now going to be called Aspen – Kazuri’s Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.
The cavalier babies are big enough to go outside, but it has been a bit cold and rainy. Today we had a break in the rain and so we took them outside for their first garden adventure.
They had a lot of fun and especially enjoyed being with the other big dogs but only lasted about 30 minutes before they were shivering and cold so we took them back inside. But all in all it was a successful adventure.
I love these little pumpkins and watching them grow and explore. It’s hard to believe they are 5 weeks old already.
Thank you for your interest in my breeding program. We have an existing waitlist and so these puppies will be spoken for. If you want to be considered for future puppies, please visit my “Puppy page” for details.
The beagle pups are 7 weeks old today. The weather in the PNW is wet wet wet and so we can’t always go outside right now – but there is always room to play inside in the living room. So – today I took some photos of them playing in our living room. Enjoy <3
Thank you for your interest in my breeding program. We have an existing waitlist and so these puppies will be spoken for. If you want to be considered for future puppies, please visit my “Puppy page” for details.
Is there anything cuter than beagle pups at play? I think not. It has been cold and snowy and then rainy and so the babies haven’t had a ton of outdoor playtime. So – when we had a break in the weather today, we made the most of it with a lovely romp in the garden. I love how bold and happy the babies are as they play with the adults. These pups are so confident. These photos are in lieu of their 6 week old photos – I wasn’t able to take the photos as I had COVID and was too tired to take them. I think they are pretty cute regardless – don’t you agree?
Clove (boy 3)
Cinamon (Girl)
Ginger (boy 2)
Nutmeg (Boy 1)
Thank you for your interest in my breeding program. We have an existing waitlist and so these puppies will be spoken for. If you want to be considered for future puppies, please visit my “Puppy page” for details.
I got Covid-19 this week – thankfully I am vaccinated and so my symptoms have been fairly mild – mostly I have been exhausted and so I have been just in “get the basics done” mode. And so, taking photos got put on the back burner until I felt up to doing it.
The babies are growing like beautiful little weeds – they are stronger and playing together. They are running and wrestling and growling and have definitely found their sweet little voices barking with delight when I bring their meals. They LOVE food 🙂 It’s good. They are eating 3 meals a day now and only nursing a few times a day – Charlotte is enjoying becoming more of a playmate than a mommy.
Enjoy their latest photos.
Thank you for your interest in my breeding program. We have an existing waitlist and so these puppies will be spoken for. If you want to be considered for future puppies, please visit my “Puppy page” for details.
As the New Year begins, I can’t help but reflect at what an incredible year 2021 was for Kazuri.
Here is what we achieved in the ring:
New Beagle Champion: Nick – MBIS MBISS GCHG Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN
(CH Hailstorms Feeling A Little Foxy At Kazuri TKN X CH Malarky In Good Company)
He went on to finish the year as the #1 15 inch beagle (All Breed), top 10 hound, top 100 All Breeds, with 4 Best in Shows, 5 Best in Specialties, 3 Reserve Best In Shows, an Award of Merit at the Beagle National, 70 Group placements including 21 Group 1s. It was a year to remember!
New Beagle Champion: Echo – CH Kazuri’s Feeling the Siren’s Call
(CH Hailstorms Feeling A Little Foxy At Kazuri TKN X CH Malarky In Good Company)
New Beagle Champion: Rosie – CH Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming Up Roses
(CH Foxtail’s Dreaming of The Race X GCH Meadow Crest To Sir With Love)
New Beagle Champion: Sir – CH Kazuri’s To Sir With Love
(CH Kazuri’s Dreaming of An Emmy X MBIS MBISS CH Kahootz Chase Manhatten)
New Cavalier Champion: James – CH Kaszuri’s East of Eden
(Lockestar Love Struck CGC X CH Verheyn Dustin)
New Beagle Champion: Gordon – CH Kazuri’s Have My Cake & Eat It Too
(CH Foxtail’s Dreaming of The Race X Langrigg The Cake Boss)
New Beagle Champion – Violet – CH Kazuri’s Keeping Up Appearances
(CH Foxtail’s Need For Speed X GCH Starbuck & Manabay Boldly Go Fourth BCAT, ORT, L1V, NW1)
Sirius (Am GCH Can CH Lockestar ‘Cause I’m Up To No Good, RN FDC RATM RATNX RATO RATM CZ8S CGC CGCA CGCU TKN) attained several Barn hunt titles, his farm dog title and Rally titles with his co-owner Susan Lockleer
(Lockestar Love Struck CGC X Can CH Embee’s Mischief Managed)
Rowan – LoKazuri Star Life is but a Dream RN TKN TKI earned his novice rally title with co-owner Samantha.
(Kinvaar Kiss This X GCH Truelegance Pistols At Dawn)
We had a 1 cavalier litter and 3 beagle litters this year. I am so thankful to the breeders that let us use their stud dogs and allow their breeding programs be part of mine. I am so excited to see what the future might hold for our youngsters.
We also made many families very happy by placing our non keepers in loving homes expanding the “Kazuri” family. We are so happy to welcome each and every one of you and thank you for caring and loving our dogs so well. We are so grateful. <3
I wanted to say that we can’t do any of this alone – I am thankful to my village (I am so sorry if I forget to mention anyone specifically). I am so thankful to my co-owners/breeders in beagles Mike and Karen Kurtzner, and to my co-owners in cavaliers Susan and Alisha Lockleer. I am so thankful to Mike and Karen for handling Nick so beautifully plus many of my beagles to CH titles, but also to Tammie Wilcox, Jennifer Bell, Serena Soares, Sarah Yates and Cheyenne Calvert for the role you played in showing, transporting and finishing dogs for me. And thank you to new beagle breeding partner Chelsea Metteer – it was so fun to have a litter with you.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone here at Kazuri.
From the beagle and cavalier babies:
Cinamon (Girl)
Nutmeg (Boy 1)
Ginger (Boy 2)
Clove (Boy 3)
Thank you for your interest in my breeding program. We have an existing waitlist and so these puppies will be spoken for. If you want to be considered for future puppies, please visit my “Puppy page” for details.