Tag Archives: american kennel club

Charlotte & Christopher’s cavalier pups turn 2 weeks old

To say I am thrilled is an understatement. Being a breeder is hard work – it comes with ups and downs – from the highs of awards and placements and beautiful litters, to the devastating blows of a missed litter or a puppy passing away after nights staying up around the clock trying to save it’s life. I wouldn’t trade it – it just comes with the territory.

So – when I get a litter that thrives from day 1, I thank God in Heaven. I don’t take it lightly.

Charlotte is a wonderful mother and keeps her babies clean and very well fed. We hardly hear a peep from them. I can’t be more thankful than that.

So – this weeks litter comes with a smile on my face that these little babies are right on track to where they should be. Their eyes have just opened so I know movement is just around the corner.

I decided to name them Christmas names – because why not – it is the most wonderful time of the year afterall. My favorite time of the year in fact. <3

Girl – now Holly (since her mother was originally Mistletoe)

Boy 1 – now Cole (after the late Great Nat King Cole)

Boy 2 – now Leon (an anagram of Noel)

Thank you for your interest in my puppies – at this stage, because of my waitlist, there will not be any puppies available for new enquiries. thank you for understanding.

Vixen’s beagle babies are 4 weeks

Vixen and Bob’s little babies are not so little anymore. They are playing more and more and loving the variety of toys we get out for them each day – they are getting more proficient at the mini slide/stair set and wobble board and I think the cat tunnel is their most prized possession 🙂

They are eating 3 times a day and Vixen sees them more as playmates now – she really doesn’t want to nurse them and only does so for a min or two – those needle teeth sure are getting to her. But she cleans them and plays with them and is the ever attentive mother. I couldn’t ask for more at this stage.

Enjoy these photos of their first adventure outdoors. We had an afternoon where it wasn’t too cold so we made the most of it for a quick 20 min play outside before coming back inside.

Cinimon (Girl)

Nutmeg (Boy 1)

Ginger (Boy 2)

Clove (Boy 3)

Thank you for your interest in my breeding program. We have an existing waitlist and so these puppies will be spoken for. If you want to be considered for future puppies, please visit my “Puppy page” for details.

Charlotte and Christopher’s cavalier pups are 1 week

It is crazy to think we are already at 1 week, but here we are. The babies are thriving. The had a slow start for a few hours and as soon as the anesthetic wore off they were string and vigorous. They only lost a tony bit of weight and then have gained well ever since.

Charlotte is a wonderful mother – surgery hasn’t really impacted her – she loves her babies very much and she take wonderful care of them.

So – without further ado – here they are:

Boy 1

Boy 2


Thank you for your interest in my puppies – at this stage, because of my waitlist, there will not be any puppies available for new enquiries. thank you for understanding.

Vixen and Bob’s beagle pups are 3 weeks old

Vixen’s pups are growing like weeds – fat little sausages might be a better description. They spend most of the day sleeping. Over the last few days they have started to try and play together, but i think their favorite thing is to sleep in a puddle pile together.

I love this stage. 🙂 They are so cuddly and sweet.

This week we are going to introduce solids and the potty box – wish us luck 🙂 Just kidding – i have found it to be wonderfully successful.

Enjoy the 3-week photos of the babies.





Thank you for your interest in my breeding program. We have an existing waitlist and so these puppies will be spoken for. If you want to be considered for future puppies, please visit my “Puppy page” for details.

Charlotte has her puppies

I am thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Charlotte’s puppies to Christopher (CH Lockestar Hundred Acre Wood).

Since she had such a long drawn out labor last time, we decided to do a scheduled c-section. The days leading up to her birth were spent at the vets office doing reverse progesterone, determining whether it was the right day or not. I appreciate Dr Thoreson from Klahaya Animal Hospital so much – for his care and caution keeping my girls and puppies so safe.

Surgery went smoothly. We got 3 healthy babies – 2 boys and a girl. All blenheims. They were a little sleepy at first from the anesthetic, but we got them nursing a little before we left the clinic.

I cant wait to watch them grow <3

Vixen and Bob’s beagle pups are 2 weeks

Vixen is a wonderful mom. I am so blessed to have moms like her in my breeding program. They keep the whelping box and puppies spotless and clean and the puppies fat and content. We never hear a peep or squeak out of them, they are simply happy babies.

We started seeing little slivers of eyes a few days ago and the little girl has her eyes open almost completely. I am smiling to myself that she has something to prove to be the first 🙂

I decided to go with a Thanksgiving Spice theme for this litter since they were born on Thanksgiving. I have so so much to be thankful for with their arrival and what their bloodline will mean to my breeding program moving forward.

So- without further ado – introducing:

The girl – aka Cinamon

Boy 1 – aka Nutmeg

Boy 2 – aka Ginger

Boy 3 – aka Clove

Please note that at this stage I have a waitlist – if you want to apply for future litters, please do so at the “litter plans” page. thank you

Stacking Shots of Rosie and Nicks pups – 8 weeks old

These are the final stacking shots of Rosie and Nick’s puppies before some go to their new homes. Overall we are thrilled with how these little poppets have turned out and we are excited to watch them grow in the future.

I will say I am not good at stacking puppies. I dont do it often as I don’t want robot pups – I want them to be explorers and think dog showing is fun. So, i handle them, but I dont make them stand still for long periods of time. The stacking block I used this time moved a little and so i think their rears dont look good, but you get the idea.






Puppy playtime in the Yard

Anytime there is a break in the rain, and it isn’t too cold, we pop the pups outside for a little playtime. The pack loves playing with them too – our son’s 6 month old Golden Shirley is in love with the babies and loves to wrestle with them. For the most part she is very gentle but we stay very close by, just in case.

Grandma Madison and Momma Rosie love to get in the action too. 🙂 Both are wonderful matriachs and teachers of fun and healthy boundaries.

I hope you enjoy these photos of the babies in our gardens tonight – by the time I had finished taking photos, it was getting a little dark (thanks Winter 🙂 ), but you still get the idea.

Vixen and Bob’s beagle pups turn 1 week old

One week has flown by and Vixen’s pups have grown so quickly under her tender loving care. They are big butter balls and content and happy just like newborns should be. I couldn’t be happier.

I haven’t named them yet but I think I will do a Thankgiving theme since that’s when they came .


Boy 1 (wide collar)

Boy 2 (thin collar)

Boy 3 (dot)

At this stage no puppies are available. I have a current waitlist for my puppies. You can apply for a future puppy through my “puppy page”. Thank you

Rosie & Nick’s beagle pups are 7 weeks old

I can hardly believe that it’s been 7 weeks since Rosie had her babies. But I guess when I look at them and watch them play, it makes a lot of sense. They now use the potty boxes pretty consistently and play like little t-rexs – it is so fun to hear their little growls and roars 🙂

I took them to my studio to take photos of them on my blue chair today – they are all SO cute <3






The whole litter 🙂