Tag Archives: american kennel club

Rosie gives birth

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, and you make the most of it.

My co-owners, Mike and Karen, have one of my girls Rosie living with them in TN. We planned to breed Rosie to Nick, our #1 15 inch boy. The breeding took and we anticipated puppies early October.

Unfortunately their daughter, who they live with, got sick and needed to be hospitalized. Whelping Rosie was no longer an option and so Rosie flew home from the National with me to WA. Luckily Rosie has such an easy going nature – nothing bothers her and flying didn’t either.

To make matters more complicated, our family had a pre-planned trip out of town, the weekend she was due – a trip we never would have booked if we had known.

So, i got a treasured and very dog experienced friend to watch my dogs for the weekend. I had her take Rosie to the vet each day for a reverse progesterone draw (if the number is under 2 a c-section is safe to do). Rosie had other ideas and by Friday was still not ready. With my 2 repro vets both out of town, we knew she would have to go naturally. I called a cavalier breeder friend of mine and asked if she would be willing to be on call and thankfully she agreed. So, I felt some comfort knowing that if she went into labor while I was still away that she was in experienced hands.

Saturday morning Rosie started showing some signs of early labor and by mid day she was most definitely in stage 1. I knew I wouldn’t be making it home to see them arrive on Sunday. Around 7:30pm Saturday night, my cavalier breeder friend Susan arrived to support Michelle, and they watched Rosie as she rested, dug, re-position herself and prepared herself for babies. I was super grateful for my “ring” camera so I could log in and see what was going on at very regular basis.

About 11:10pm, I logged into my Ring to watch Rosie pushing and watched the first baby being born. A little girl – flashy white markings just like her momma! She was 7.27oz and perfect.

Baby number 2 came quickly after – about 15 mins later – a baby boy – 7.7oz

Rosie seemed to be on a roll. As soon as the 2 others were dried off and cleaned up, she started pushing again and within 10 mins she had another baby boy. This one was 8.25oz

In true Rosie style, she seemed to want to have them all by midnight, and just before 12, she popped out her 3rd baby boy.

We celebrated. I cried a little because I wasn’t there in person, but grateful it all went well – and cried happy tears that they arrived safe and sound. There wasn’t much more for me to do so i hopped offline and went to sleep.

I woke up in the morning to a message that Rosie had a bonus baby #5 – another boy – 10.97oz – a giant boy. He took an hour to get into position and got stuck on the way out, but thanks to Susan and Michelle he was born safely and is perfectly fine.

So, we ended up with 5 beautiful babies. We feel so blessed that they all arrived safe and sound. I couldn’t wait to meet them only a mere few hours later when i got home. <3 I am so thankful to Michelle and Susan <3

The 2021 Beagle National

We attended the Beagle National in Wilmington Ohio. I took Madison to play in the Veteran class and Beau to play in the 12-18 month class. I met Mike with Nick to compete with the 76 other 15 inch specials in the Best of Variety competition.

I loved meeting other breeders so so much. It is one thing to know people online – it is quite another to spend time in person chatting, having dinners or lunches 🙂 What an honor 🙂

My dogs did me proud. Beau and Madison showed well for me – I am a novice handler but they did well. Thank you to Jennifer Bell and Cynthia Pamer for taking candid’s of them from around the ring. Madison got 2nd in her class of 11 Veterans (7-10) in Sweeps under breeder judge Lindsay Bryson. Beau got 4th in his class at the NBC of 15 12-18 month olds under breeder judge Heather Lindberg.

Nick (MBIS MBISS MRBIS GCHS Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN) got an award of merit under breeder judge Heather Lindberg. I was so proud to watch him strut his stuff amongst such beautiful dogs. It had been a difficult week in the lead up to the National with a family medical emergency so Karen couldn’t attend – we weren’t sure if Nick or Mike would be able to go. I was grateful that Mike and Nick were able to make the trip.

Thank you to these judges for finding our beagles in a sea of beautiful hounds. See you all next year in Aldie!

Nick (MBIS MBISS MRBIS GCHS Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN)

Madison (CH Foxtail’s Dreaming Of The Race)

Beau (Kazuri’s All I Need Is Love And Cake)

Pud & Spencers Pups turn 8 weeks

With the beagle pups turning 8 weeks, it was time to really start to look at them carefully and try and figure out which would be our “keepers” and which might go to show homes.

Jagger (that will not be his long term name). Staying at Van-mar – co-owned by Chelsea and Sarah – Van-Mar/Kazuri

Naomi – will be co-owned with Jenni Neift (OutWest) & Lisa Young (Youngsong beagles)

Suni – staying here at Kazuri

Todd – now called Charlie. Owned by Jenni Neift (OutWest) & Lisa Young (Youngsong)

Bolt – pending

Faith – pending

Tina – now known as Audrey Hepburn and owned by Terri from Danter beagles.

Bronte – Now Penny Lane – loved by her new family

Puddin’s beagle pups are 6 weeks

The weather is thankfully still warm so we have started having daily playtimes outside. The pack loves spending time with them – especially my son’s 13 week old golden Shirley. She adores them and is surprisingly gentle with them.

This week I decided not to do individual photos, but to let you enjoy some pictures of the babies playing in our big back yard yard, and the smaller puppy yard (we have a special small yard if they will be unattended, since we have hawks and eagles, so it’s safer there).

Enjoy – they are at such a fun age 🙂

*Please note that none of these puppies are available at this time. Thank you for understanding. *

Puds beagle pups turn 5 weeks

Pud and Spencer’s beagle pups turned 5 weeks today. They are getting much more confident on their feet and have conquered the slide and play daily “king of the castle” up there.

We are definitely seeing them enjoying exploring their world – they love to climb on top of blankets if we leave them out, or scramble over toys and obstacles that have been left (aka little boxes or teeter totters and such). We love to snuggle them. They are at that sweet age where they play for a short time and then crash and nothing can wake them.

We are letting them have small visits in the garden – they are gaining confidence out there too – its a big world out there with so many new smells and sensations. They really weren’t interested in stopping to take pictures. Oh well. 🙂

I am loving raising this litter – I only wish Chels lived closer so she could join me in all the snuggles too. Videos only show so much.

Enjoy the latest pictures of our precious babies.









Please know that none of these puppies are available at this time. Thank you for your understanding.

Nick wins his 2nd BISS

After a few days of taking it easy, our special boy Nick came back into the ring with great flair starting the Houston World Series of Dog Shows with a bang.

Today at the San Jacinto Beagle Club, Nick (MBIS MBISS GCHS Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas) went Best Of Variety in the 15 inch beagles in a lovely lineup of beagles, and then went on to win Best in Specialty by beating the 13 inch Variety winner.

We are very thankful to judge Mrs Molly Martin for this great honor and for finding our happy little hound in the beautiful lineup today.

Congratulations to David and Ann Wolf on Ivy’s 13 inch BOV win today from the Veteran class and to all the other winners today.

I am proud as punch as a breeder today!!

Gordon finishes his CH title

I am thrilled to announce that Gordon is now a AKC CH. He just needed to get one single point and did so at the first day of the Puyallup cluster.

Thank you again to judge Ms. Stacey B. Davis for awarding Gordon Winners Dog and also to Tammie Wilcox for showing him.

Gordon (CH Kazuri’s Have My Cake & Eat It Too) is the son of Madison (CH Foxtails Dreaming of the Race) and Buddy (Ven CH Langrigg The Cake Boss).

Gordon is MLS clear,    NCCD clear,    Factor 7 clear,   PRA carrier, PKD clear, doesn’t carry Glaucoma, MFN2 neg, doesn’t carry gene for Brittle bone disease, CUBN Exon 8 neg. 

Eyes clear (June 2021). Heart Clear (June 2021)

Hips (OFA prelim GOOD) Patella (OFA prelim GOOD)

He does not carry the gene for red or blue. You can see his whole embark genetic results here: http://embk.me/kazuriswantmycake?utm_campaign=cns_ref_dog_pub_profile&utm_medium=other&utm_source=embark

My handsome Beau

Beau was my pick boy from my Madison x Buddy litter. I tried hard not to fall in love with him but I couldnt help myself.

We were doing a major home re-model and had to move out and so Mike and Karen said that many of our pack members could live with them for a few months. As soon as it was done, I drove down to California to pick them all up.

Beau is as sweet at 11 months as he was at 12 weeks when I dropped him off. I am excited to have some shows open up in WA so I can show him.

Introducing Beau – Kazuri’s All I Need Is Love and Cake.

The cavalier pups are 7 weeks

Charlotte’s babies are continuing to do well. they are exploring more and more and gaining so much confidence in new things. they can now navigate a few stairs and are more than happy to walk on the uneven teeter totter as part of their play. These things help with confidence building and making them well adjusted to their new life as they go home.

We introduced them to all our big dogs, who love them dearly. I am so happy to have a pack of adults, including an unfixed male, who are all gentle on babies. The babies can play with them and learn lessons from adults that arent just mom, which makes their learning so rich.

Enjoy the latest updated photos. I dont know how many more photos of them sitting i will be able to get as they are so wiggly. 🙂

*please note that these puppies are not available at this time*



