Tag Archives: available

Phoenix has her CKCS puppies

Phoenix went in to the vet today as she had some black discharge and so we decided to run a progesterone and see how she was doing. Much to our surprise she was at almost a 0 and birth was impending – 4 days earlier than planned (and we calculate day 60 not 63 for cavaliers anyway).

With the consultation with Dr Thoreson from Klahaya animal vet clinic, we decided to do a c-section in case something was wrong. I am so glad we did as there was a dead puppy (probably for a few days) and that more than likely spurred her to be laboring early.

The 4 surviving pups were small but strong and Phoenix came through the surgery without a hitch. enjoy

Girl 1 (blen) – 5.0oz

Girl 2 – (ruby with stripe) – 4.25oz

Girl 3 – (ruby with dot) – 5.9oz

Boy (ruby) – 5.45oz

Once home, Phoenix recovered quickly and took to caring for her babies. I love moms who are wonderful and do their job well.

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Nellie’s CKCS cavalier puppies are 7 weeks old

I love this age so much – they are now following us when we call and they are playing and exploring. They are just so so adorable and I adore my snuggles with them.

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.



The girls



The boys

Nellie’s Cavalier puppies are 6 weeks old

The weather is starting to warm up as Spring is starting to appear – hallelujah! We love being able to go outdoor for small playtimes. The puppies are really starting to get confident about being in the garden – they love eating leaves 🙂 HAHA. They are eating well and starting to use the potty box on a more regular basis (this I am very thankful for).

Enjoy the photos of them from this week






Nellie’s CKCS puppies venture outside at 5 weeks old

Nellie’s pups are now thriving – the pain and agony of Miss Josie 2 weeks ago is a distant memory as the pups are eating and playing and doing all the things they should be. Josie is only a little smaller than her siblings – if you didn’t know how close she came to passing away, I don’t think you would be able to tell.

The weather is still pretty cold outside and so when we hit the 50s today, I decided to take them out for a small 15 min play in the garden. They were a little nervous but quickly felt that they wanted to play and explore. I think in the coming days we will try a few more outside experiences. 🙂

Enjoy the latest pictures of the babies. To be considered for a Kazuri cavalier king charles puppy, please read through our puppy page and fill out a questionnaire. thanks.





Everyone playing

The CKCS puppies are 4 weeks old

The cavalier puppies are now thriving again – last week feels like it both just yesterday and also like it was a year ago. It will be too soon if I ever have to do that with a puppy again. But grateful to know what to do.

The babies are wobbly walking around, and starting to play together. They make cute little growls and play bite each other. It is beyond adorable. They are eating mushy solids and really starting to get into the idea that food is awesome 🙂

Enjoy the photos of them this week. We missed last week while Josie was struggling so I thought I would do them on the blue chair. A couple of these puppies will be available so if you are interested, please contact me through my questionnaire


Josephone “Josie”



Nellie’s CKCS puppies are 2 weeks old

Nellie is a wonderful mom and her pups are thriving under her care. She keeps them well fed and clean and they are very content little ones.

Their tiny eyes started to open this weekend – right in time for the 2 week photos. Enjoy.

Bonnie (right girl)

Clyde (dot boy)

Josephine (left girl)

Wyatt (striped boy)

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Nellie’s CKCS pups are 1 week old

Nellie is a wonderful mom of her cavalier babies. They are growing strong and are so content. Enjoy their first official photos.

For their names, Nellie is “Notorious Nell Gwyn” and Connor is “Shotgun Rider” and so I decided to do 2 historical couples that were “notorious”.

Girl 1: Was thinking about Dorothy “Dot” but have decided to go with Bonnie from the couple “Bonnie and Clyde”

Boy 1: Was thinking about one of Nell’s boys “James” but have decided to go with Clyde from the couple “Bonnie and Clyde”

Girl 2: Was thinking about Margaret “Maggie” but have decided to go with Josephine “Jo” who was Wyatt Earps wife.

Boy 2: Was thinking about Nell’s other son “Charles” but have decided to go with Wyatt Earp

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Available young cavalier dog

Sometimes we place puppies and for a miriad of reasons it doesn’t work out. There is no shame or blame in admitting that your family is not right for the dog, or that you don’t have enough time to dedicate to their needs at this time.

This is why, as an ethical preservation breeder, I will always take my dogs back – regardless of age. I want to be part of them finding their forever home, hoping this placement is the right one.

Gus is from my Christopher x Charlotte litter back in November. He is currently 11 months old and up to date on his vaccines etc. He has no allergies or illnesses. He was checked by a vet and is healthy. He also had his heart/eyes cleared by a cardiologist/ophthalmologist at 8-10 weeks. He has also recently been neutered.

Gus has a great enthusiasm for life – he is not your “couch potato” cavalier. He is smart, and energetic. Although in saying that he also loves to kiss and cuddle on our knee.

His family unfortunately never took him to puppy socialization classes etc. and so I have worked on these things for 3 months while he has been with me. He now walks calmly on a leash and is less silly when he meets people.

Gus is sweet and smart and eager to please (with enthusiasm). He is potty trained (finally) 🙂 LOL.

I want to be completely honest with the new family about these things as I want his next home to be his forever home. Till that comes along, he has a forever home with us here at Kazuri, and we will keep working with him and training him.

If you are interested in Gus, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Gus is being offered for $3500 which is a $1000 discount. I would recommend highly that his new family continues to work with him with a obedience class and maybe even a socialization class. He has never shown aggression, but social skills need to be polished

If you think you might be the right fit for Gus, please email me sarah.sweetman@outlook.com or fill out an offical application