Introducing:AKC GCH CKC CH Lockestar ‘Cause I’m Up To No Good, CGC CGCA CGCU TKN RATN RATNX RATO (and Crazy8s Bronze)!
Our boy Sirius has just finished earning THREE new Barn Hunting titles in a single weekend, and might be the FIRST Cavalier to have accomplished one of them! (we are just waiting on the confirmation of this).
His co-owner, Susan Lockleer and Sirius have worked so hard together to get this far and make an amazing team! Sirius is truly a once in a lifetime dog with his eagerness to please, willingness to work, intelligence, versatility, and bomb-proof happy go lucky temperament. He’s definitely not stopping here. I can’t wait to see how far this team goes!
Sirius is sired by Mary Beth Squirrell from Embee’s lovely boy CKC CH Embee’s Mischief Managed, ROM – “Loki” and out of LockeStar Love Struck, CGC – “Arrow” (sired by CH Turretbank To Sir With Love – “Sidney” daughter). Both of his parents are heart clear 5+ with SM0 MRI scans.
Sirius is currently heart clear at 4.5yrs also with a SM0 MRI scan.
As a breeder and owner I am so proud of both his brains and beauty.