Tag Archives: blenheim

Charlotte’s cavalier puppies are 1 week old.

Time flies when we are having fun and our Easter gift this year is that Charlotte’s puppies turned a week old. They are all thriving and active. They are nursing well and gaining weight like they should. Charlotte is healing well from her c-section and is a wonderful mother, taking great care of them. They are clean and bonny. What more could we ask for?

Without further ado, I know what you are here for – photos of the little dumplings. Enjoy.

*please remember that none are for sale at this time. *

Fergie. Now 9.88oz

Kate. Now 11.78oz

Archie. Now 10.05oz

Victoria. Now 10.55oz

Lockestar Puppies come to visit

While Alisha and Susan were away getting Paris MRI scanned, we were on puppy duty for Flame and Penny and their puppies. Of course, I had to take them outside for some quick photos. They are 6.5 weeks old and so sweet.

I think a couple of them are still available and so if you are interested in one, please contact Alisha through: https://anyeazi.wixsite.com/lockestarcavaliers