Tag Archives: california

Emmy’s pups are 7 weeks

This is the first time attempting stacks with Emmy and Ben’s pups. Stacking is how we start to look their their structure – the angle of their shoulders, the length of their upper arm, the angle of their rear, their topline. The stack doesn’t tell us everything as some pups get nervous up here, but it’s a nice place to start.

I am SO pleased at how these pups have turned out. Using semen that was 22 years old was a gamble, and to get such beautiful pups to choose from, feels like a gift. <3

Boy 1

Boy 2

Boy 3

Girl 1

Girl 2

Girl 3

Girl 4

Thank you for your interest in my puppies and breeding program. At this stage I don’t know if any of these puppies will be available as I will start assessing them around week 7/8 to see who will stay in my breeding program, and I have a wait list already. I thank you for your patience and understanding. I do understand how hard it is to wait.

If you want to be considered for a puppy, please look on my “puppy page” for all the information you need about my breeding plans, FAQs, and a questionnaire to fill out. Thanks, Sarah

Emmy’s beagle pups play outdoors

Emmy’s pups are now 6 weeks old – I cant believe it. They are enjoying the outdoors more and more now. Karen sent me these pictures so I just had to share them <3

** Just a reminder that these puppies are being raised with my co-breeders Mike and Karen in Sacramento California, so you cant visit them in Seattle unfortunately. I will be bringing them up at some point in April.

Thank you for your interest in my puppies and breeding program. At this stage I don’t know if any of these puppies will be available as I will start assessing them around week 7/8 to see who will stay in my breeding program. I thank you for your patience and understanding. I do understand how hard it is to wait.

If you want to be considered for a puppy, please look on my “puppy page” for all the information you need about my breeding plans, FAQs, and a questionnaire to fill out. Thanks, Sarah

Emmy’s beagle pups enjoy the outdoors for the first time

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, so Mike and Karen decided to let the puppies have their first experience outdoors. The funny story is that they were way more interested in their momma Emmy than they were in the interesting sights and sounds and scents around.

Emmy is such a sweet, loving, kind mom. She takes it all in her stride – 7 puppies could be overwhelming, but not for her. What a rockstar momma.

** Just a reminder that these puppies are being raised with my co-breeders Mike and Karen in Sacramento California, so you cant visit them in Seattle unfortunately. I will be bringing them up at some point in April.

Thank you for your interest in my puppies and breeding program. At this stage I don’t know if any of these puppies will be available as I will start assessing them around week 7/8 to see who will stay in my breeding program. I thank you for your patience and understanding. I do understand how hard it is to wait.

If you want to be considered for a puppy, please look on my “puppy page” for all the information you need about my breeding plans, FAQs, and a questionnaire to fill out. Thanks, Sarah

Emmy’s babies are growing

Karen sent me a couple of cute pictures of the chubby babies this morning so I couldn’t help but share them. They are clearly thriving under Emmy and the Kurtzner’s wonderful care. I am so very thankful.

Once again, I dont know if any of these puppies are available. I will contact families as soon as I know. We will not know until they are closer to 7-8 weeks and we can assess their conformation. Thank you for understanding.

We welcome Emmy’s Beagle Puppies

My co-breeder’s ( who live in Sacramento) and I are proud to announce that Emmy’s litter arrived safe and sound. This litter is particularly special as it was conceived with 22 year old frozen semen from a dog that passed away many years ago – Ben – BIS BISS Kahootz Chase Manhattan. I am amazed at how technology can help us preserve DNA these days. Ben is a very well known dog in the beagle world and I am proud to be able to bring this old pedigree back into my pedigree and all that Ben has to offer.

Baby 1 was a Girl – 7.4 oz
Baby 2 was another girl – 8.1oz
Baby #3 was a little boy – 7.7oz
Baby #4 was another boy – 8.2oz
Baby #5 was another girl – 8.8oz
Baby #6 was another boy – 10.3oz
We got a surprise 7th baby – a huge girl weighing an even 11oz

We had thought she was just having 6, so she surprised us with a bonus #7 🙂 4 girls and 3 boys 🙂 Nice job Ben and Emmy <3 Mom and babies are all doing well. Emmy is a wonderful mother and the report is that the puppies are all vigorous and strong. I am so thankful.

At this stage I have no idea if any of these puppies will be available – we are going to take our time with this litter since the bloodline is one we have waited so long for. Thank you for understanding.