Tag Archives: cavalier king charles

Great weekend in Salem OR

We went to Salem OR this weekend for a wonderful weekend of showing!


In beagles under breeder judge Ms. Ann H Roth

Lucy (CH Wilderness You Can’t Take My Sass) – BOS

Nick (GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN ATT BCAT – select dog

Savannah (GCH Kazuri’s Gonna Be Peachy) Select

Malibu (Kazuri’s Blue Skies over Malibu) won WD for a major

Dunkin (Kazuri’s Do-Nut Give Me Trouble) won RWD

Vada Potata (Kazuri N Joyful Noise Sunshine On A Cloudy Day) BPUP Hound Group 1

In cavaliers under judge Cameron Riegel

Charlie went WD/BOW


In beagles under judge Mr Hal T Bierman

Savannah (GCH Kazuri’s Gonna Be Peachy) BOV

Lucy (CH Wilderness You Can’t Take My Sass) – BOS

Dunkin (Kazuri’s Do-Nut Give Me Trouble) won WD for a major

Chase (Kazuri’s Chasin’ The Dream) won RWD

Vada Potata (Kazuri N Joyful Noise Sunshine On A Cloudy Day) BPUP Hound Group 2

In cavaliers under judge Dr. Vandra L Huber

Charlie went WD


In beagles under judge Ms. Debra Thornton

Savannah (GCH Kazuri’s Gonna Be Peachy) BOV

Lucy (CH Wilderness You Can’t Take My Sass) – BOS to finish her GCH in 2 weekends!

Nick (GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN ATT BCAT – select dog

Chase (Kazuri’s Chasin’ The Dream) won WD for a major

Malibu (Kazuri’s Blue Skies over Malibu) won RWD

In cavaliers under judge Gus Sinibaldi

Charlie went RWD

Harley Quinn’s beagle puppies turn 6 weeks old

Harley’s sweet babies are 6 weeks and moved to their big dog area today. They have so much more space and multiple beds along with more toys to play with.

The weather was not too cold today and so we were able to take them outside for their first explore and they did so well. A little complaining but mostly exploring, eating leaves and wandering around sniffing things. I was so proud of their confidence.

These little munchkins are growing up before my eyes and I am so excited by the families who will take them and love them forever.

Enjoy their photos from this week – I did my favorite “blue chair” shots.

Girl #1 (more white) – Elphaba

Girl #2 (less white) – Glinda

Boy #1 (thin white collar) – Fiyaro

Boy #2 (thick white collar) – Oz

Boy #3 (two dots) – Pfannee

Boy #4 (one dot) – Boq

Boy #5 (flick) – Avaric 

The girls

The boys

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Christmas fun with the beagle puppies

It’s Christmas and so we couldn’t resist taking photos of the beagle puppies in some kind of Christmas prop.

Enjoy the photos of them – I promise we had spotters keeping them safe so no pup was in any danger at any time.

Group 1: Fiyaro, Glinda, Elphaba & Boq

Group 2: Pfanee, Oz & Avaric

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Merry Christmas from Kazuri

The stockings have been opened from Santa Paws and the pups all had a blast opening them and enjoying the gifts inside.

Our dogs are house pets first and foremost and so having them as part of our Christmas celebrations is not even a question.

We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas day full of love and joy.


And Merry Christmas from Harley’s 5 week old beagle pups also. <3

Harley and Victor’s beagle puppies are 4 weeks old

Things are starting to really get fun with the puppies becoming animated – they wake up and toddle over when we walk into the room and try to play bite our fingers. They love the new toys in their area and try to drag them around and fight them. it’s really fun to see them and start seeing glimpses of their personalities.

They are all healthy and well after their tummy troubles from last week, and I am grateful to see steady growth from all of them including teeny little Glinda who still is under one pound. It’s crazy to see how much smaller she is than the others, but don’t discount her as she can hold her own – she is tiny but very mighty.

Enjoy their latest photos – the next ones will be almost Christmas and so we shall try to do a little christmasy theme I think

Girl #1 (more white) – Elphaba

Girl #2 (less white) – Glinda

Boy #1 (thin white collar) – Fiyaro

Boy #2 (thick white collar) – Oz

Boy #3 (two dots) – Pfannee

Boy #4 (one dot) – Boq

Boy #5 (flick) – Avaric 

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these BOYS may be available. (Girls will not be available) Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Harley and Victor’s beagle puppies open their eyes

I love it when puppy eyes open – I know it is one step towards them walking around which is one of my favorite stages. Harley is a wonderful momma and she loves her babies – she keeps them all spotlessly clean.

Enjoy the photos of them from this week showing that they all have their eyes open and are growing well

Girl #1 (more white) – Elphaba

Girl #2 (less white) – Glinda

Boy #1 (thin white collar) – Fiyaro

Boy #2 (thick white collar) – Oz

Boy #3 (two dots) – Pfannee

Boy #4 (one dot) – Boq

Boy #5 (flick) – Avaric 

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these BOYS may be available. (Girls will not be available) Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Harley Quinn welcomes her babies to the world.

Harley Quinn was due on Sunday or Monday (according to progesterone) and decided to surprise us with her babies on the early hours of this morning. She had 5 boys and 2 girls in the space of 3 hours.

Boy #1 – thin necklace (6.75oz)

Girl #1 – lots of white (4.6oz)

Girl #2 – teeny girl (3.5oz)

Boy #2 – thick white collar (5.5oz)

Boy #3 – two dots on neck (5.75oz)

Boy #4 – one dot and giant (9.75oz)

Boy #5 – flick of white – (6oz)

Mom and babies are doing very well and I can’t wait to introduce them to you in a couple of days when we have the little teeny girl settled.

Charity and Daisy’s beagle puppies turn 7 weeks old

I can’t believe the beagle puppies are 7 weeks old already. It feels like they were just born and now we have to start making some hard decisions about who is going to stay in our breeding program and who will go as beloved pets. Many of these puppies are similar and could potentially be a show dog, but not every puppy needs to be a show dog or bred from.

They are confident, fun, sweet and happy to meet new people. They were seen by a vet and all clear 🙂

Enjoy their 7 week old portraits which I did outside on a rock – poor move as many photos are blurry due to them being so wiggly <3

Daisy x Beau – Boy 1 – Walker

Daisy x Beau – Boy 2 – Buck

Charity x Tex – Girl 1 “pink” – Monica

Charity x Tex – Girl 2 “Lavendar” – Beth

Charity x Tex – Boy 1 “Brown” – John

Charity x Tex – Boy 2 “Light Blue” – Kasey

Charity x Tex – Boy 3 “Green” – Jamie

Charity x Tex – Boy 4 “Dark Blue” – Tate

Charity x Tex – Boy 5 “Yellow” – Rip

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these BOYS may be available. (Girls will not be available) Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Charlie gets his first points

I am so proud of Mr Charlie who won WD/BOW on Friday under judge Yvonne Savard and then reserve on Saturday on Mrs. Carol C Sommerfelt and then WD again on Sunday under judge  Mr. Gary Stiles.

Charlie (Kazuri’s The Mystery of Hope) is owned by me (Sarah Sweetman) and was bred by Becky Smith & Sue Savage Green. I am very thankful to them for trusting me with this sweet boy. Thank you to Cheyenne from Sirius handling for taking Charlie to these shows when I couldn’t attend.

Beagle puppies play outdoors with confidence

I love that now days, the growth is noticeable even day to day. things that made them nervous yesterday, now have a positive association and their curiosity takes over.

We are using as much of the last of the Summer days as possible and hoping fall will wait just a little longer before coming out too much and bringing the cold days and rainfall.

My older dogs are so curious about the little ones but wont get to meet them til next week, just to keep them all safe.

Enjoy them playing outside for now 🙂