There is nothing I love more than to celebrate with others and build community as we love and try to do right by these beautiful dogs we are entrusted with.
I had the honor of placing and co-owning Stella (CH Kazuri’s Diamond In The Sky) with Emma and Amie Adams who have been showing cavaliers longer than I have but never leapt into the breeding side of things. When they mentioned they wanted to start breeding, I was honored to work with them and it has been a pleasure to co-breed a litter and walk them through all the parts from breeding to whelping to dew claws and more.
They are doing a phenomenal job and I am so proud of them. The sire is their lovely boy Granger (GCH BeckWith If the Boot Fits).
If you want to follow the progress of these little poppets, head over to Clairety Cavaliers
We are so excited about this new 13 inch beagle team with Murphy (GCH Kazuri’s Everything’s Gonna Be Alright) and Randy – this weekend in Roseberg OR they got a Hound group 1, Group 2 and Group 4. Randy got the go ahead to take the reins on August 1st, so we are excited to see what they can achieve together.
Thank you to judges Mrs Barbara Heal, Mr Raymond E Yurick and Ms. Kimberly Anne Meredith for finding our little beagle boy this weekend!
Murphy was bred by Sarah Sweetman, Mike and Karen Kurtzner and is owned by Sarah Smith-Falkner and Sarah Sweetman.
Muprhy is already a RBIS, multi group winning and placing dog, and in the top 10 for 13 inch beagles with very limited showing for 2024.
Murphy (CH Bill T’s August Rush to Alpenglow x CH Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming Up Roses)
Every year there is a set of beagle and all breed shows held in Amana Iowa – it is dubbed “beaglefest” and I just knew I had to go. My friends Dolly and Malia joined me and of course I got to spend time with my beloved friends Mike and Karen Kurtzner.
It did not disappoint – I got to meet people that I “know” online and chat to them in person. I got to see and exhibit with beautiful dogs and showed my girl Callie and her 1/2 sister DeeJay (who currently lives with Mike and Karen).
I had so very much fun except for being totally allergic to something in the region, meaning my nose was always running and eyes puffy – but I didnt even mind as I had so much fun.
We even did Fastcat for Nick, Savannah, Callie and Gracie.
See you all next year!!! Same time, same place!! <3
Charity and Daisy are wonderful mommas and the babies continue to be fat and content. Their eyes have opened and so they are starting to get up on their feet and explore their puppy pens. The fun will start to continue this week with first foods.
New champion in 13s – Morrison (Kazuri’s Everything Reminds Me of You)
I was so excited about this litter that I got from 25 year old semen from “BJ” – (BIS BISS Tashwould De Ja Vu) and our homebred CH Rosie (Kazuri’s Everythings Coming Up Roses).
Morrison finished from the BBE puppy class in 4 shows with 4 majors at 9 months old – this is a hard feat in 13s and we were so excited that he finished so fast.
We are so proud of this little beagle girl who finished her CH title with 4 majors from the 6-9 month class. She has a great ring presence and took to showing well – I am super excited to see what she does next. Congratulations to the Roman family!!
Chairty was in labor all night but nothing was really progressing. Knowing my vet was unavailable over the weekend, and it being a Friday, we opted to just take her in for a csection.
I am so so glad we did. Dr Thoreson said her uterus was not cut and repaired well the last time she had a Csection (emergency vet), and it was close to rupture in that incision area. I am so thankful he was able to get the puppies out safely and Charity was okay also. I can’t imagine the devastation of losing her if her uterus had split open. Needless to say, this will be her second and final litter.
The C section went well and Charity recovered as expected. Just like last time, she was very smitten with her babies from the start. At Dr Thoreson’s, we saw we had 5 boys and 2 girls, but didn’t weigh and measure them till we got them home. All 7 are thriving and so is mom.
The markings are all so similar and so we put collars on them to tell them apart.
I always say there is no place that is more beautiful than the Pacific Northwest in the Summertime. The dogs love having outside time and the puppies love playing with them (supervised of course). Enjoy these photos of some of our adult cavaliers, adult beagles, our golden Shirley and the beagle puppies.
The PNW is having a heat wave and so it has been really nice for the puppies to experience going outside as the shade is even very warm. Cleo’s pups are just 4 weeks old and so have only just begun to explore the great outdoors. Mishka’s 6 week old pups just love it out there – especially when the pack is out and they have someone to chase after. They are surprisingly confident for their ages and love to sniff and walk around – it’s a great start to their socializing outside.
I love this show – this year I decided to take a chance and camp on site in my tiny 14ft camper with my friend Malia, hoping to contain some of the chaos and have a place for the dogs to run when they weren’t needed in the ring.
It meant we had to play logistics games, and we walked over 7 miles a day, but I was grateful for the space we had. We even managed to hook up a mister sprayer to keep them cool in the shade – it was a heat wave everywhere in the country and so we were glad to be able to keep the dogs safe.
I should also mention that we took 4 cavaliers and 9 beagles so it was busy 🙂
On Friday we had the first Cavaliers of Puget Sound specialty show. Our judge was Mrs Valerie Cromer who is a breeder I admire greatly (Truelegance cavaliers). I was thrilled that Charlie (Kazuri’s Mystery of Hope), Paige (Kazuri’s Love Story) and Banksy (Kazuri’s I’m Banking On It at Afton) won their classes. Banksy also won Best Opp in Sweeps also. While we didn’t walk away with points, we were grateful for the nod from a breeder we admire.
The Saturday, we had a ring conflict so Charlie and Banksy got shown, but I had to pull Paige and Piper – i was so gutted. It is hard to show 2 breeds sometimes.
Beagles – the Saturday, as I mentioned above, we had a ring conflict so I was literally running from ring to ring. Malia and I had planned to have help, but ring conflicts for them, meant we were on our own with 9 beagles. It meant that the dogs didn’t have a chance to warm up or get ready. We had a lot of puppies who were at their first show, it wasn’t how we wanted to give them their first ring experience. Despite all of this, the puppies all showed well – they stood on the table and walked on a leash – I will call that a win all around 🙂
Sunday and Monday were better as we didn’t have cavaliers to show. we had great competition so didn’t win it all, but Morrison (Kazuri’s everything reminds me of you) won WD/BOW in 13s for his first major and 5 points. Lucy (Wilderness You Cant Take My Sass) won WB for 2 points on Monday. Callie (GCH Kazuri’s Everything’s Sugar N Spice BCAT) and Savanah (CH Kazuri’s Gonna Be Peachy) won a select Major each. Brinn (Kazuri’s Chasing My Dreams) won reserve all 3 days. Gracie (who I didn’t breed but she comes from dogs I bred) won BOV on Saturday, and select/OHBOV on Monday. So, it was a great weekend all around.
Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that two Jrs borrowed Charlie and Paige for the specialty show, and Callie for the AB show and had some wonderful success – it was fun to see my dogs be shown by someone else and had success – well done S and V!