Tag Archives: cavalier king charles

Beagle Puppy Xray

About a week before whelping, I like to do an xray to get an idea of how many beagle puppies we are expecting. That way, if labor stops and you know there is a puppy or two left, we can call for help and intervention (if need be)

We did a top view and side view. You can see the little skeletons – they kind of look like little lizards don’t they 🙂

From the top view, we can clearly see 4 – two on each side. From the side view, it almost looks like a 5th is tucked up by her leg. Or maybe that’s just a shadow. Either way, we are excited that there will be 4-5 puppies coming soon.
Of course, we need to get them safely into the world – so much can go wrong, and so we are hoping and praying for a safe delivery of all of them, no matter how many or few there are.

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Puppy Sitting

Its been over a year and a half since we had a litter of puppies so when Alisha from Lockestar Cavaliers contacted me about socializing her recent litter, we jumped at the chance.  These puppies’ mom is Arrow’s sister Penny.

Baylea, Kinzie and Dollar were a little timid at first but it didn’t take them long to get used to the “small humans” in our home 🙂

What fun to have these little puppies in our home for the week!

Rose Classic – Portland Shows

It is my first time being on the road and staying away from home during a dog show – the Portland Rose classic is a big 4 day All-breed show.  Its fun to play around in the Best of Breed ring as we try to garner points towards our Grand CH title.

Over the weekend we got Select 2x and went Best of Opposite 2x which equates to 4 more points towards our title. Wahoo!

portland show

Happy Birthday Stella

Happy Happy 1st Birthday Stella (Kazuri’s When you wish upon a star). I remember the day you were born – all 5 oz of you. You had a slow start, but you made up with it quickly being 1 pound on day 8. You were always a clown and a delight to have in the house. We are so blessed you found your forever home with Michelle & Mike, Olivia, Jericho, Gracie and Marley. xoxo

stellastella puppy

Maddy starts on her Canadian CH title

We have started working on Maddison’s Canadian CH title while we wait for her to be old enough to finish her health clearances in 2016. September 26/27th we had a great time at the Mount Cheam Kennel Club meet in Chiliwack getting Best of Opposite in Beagles (thank you judge Satoshi Bessho) and group 4 in our 12-18 month class (thank you judge Maxine Moinier) on the Saturday.  We took Best of Breed (thank you judge Takahiro Miyagawa) on Sunday.

canada shows