What an INCREDIBLE year indeed. Here is a recap of it all. I have SO much to be thankful for – most of all for my beagle and cavalier community – I couldn’t have done any of this without you all.
Nick – MBIS MBISS GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN ATT finished the year as the #1 15 inch beagle for the 2nd year. He was recognized at the 2023 National Beagle Club as People’s Choice as voted by fellow breeders. He is in semi-retirement and will show in select shows in 2024 and beyond. We are also thrilled that he had 6 more of his progeny finish their CH titles and several others are close to finishing. These six gives him 12 CH get already. I am so thankful to the breeders who incorporated Nick into their program and am excited to see what happens next.

We had several champion beagles
McKinley – CH Kazuri’s Aint No Mountain High Enough (CH The Whims Legato x CH Hailstorm’s Feeling A Little Foxy at Kazuri)

Callie – CH Kazuri’s Everything’s Sugar N Spice (CH Bill T’s Rush to Alpenglow X CH Kazuri’s Everythings Coming Up Roses). She finished in the 13 inch TOP 20 for 2023

Murphy – CH Kazuri’s Everything’s Gonna Be Alright (CH Bill T’s Rush to Alpenglow X CH Kazuri’s Everythings Coming Up Roses) – lovingly owned by Sarah Smith-Falkner and Sarah Sweetman

Darwin – CH Kazuri’s While Dreams of Finches Danced In His Head (MBIS MBISS GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN ATT X CH Kazuri’s Dreaming of An Emmy)

Buck – CH Kazuri’s Call of the Wild (GCH Van-Mar N Kazuri Brewin’ Up Trouble X CH Kazuri’s Feeling The Siren’s Call)

Ivy – CH Kazuri’s Tangled Up In Trouble (GCH Van-Mar N Kazuri Brewin’ Up Trouble X CH Kazuri’s Feeling The Siren’s Call)

Nova – CH Kazuri’s All I Want is a Supernova (MBIS MBISS GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN ATT X Hailstorms Alouette)

Johnny Rose – CH JoyfulNoise N Kazuri Keeping Up With the Roses (BISS GCH Van-Mar The Duke of Hazzard X CH Kazuri’s Keeping Up Appearances) – bred with Dolly from Joyful Noise

Audrey – CH Rosehound’s Brown Eyed Girl at Kazuri (MBIS MBISS GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN ATT X CH Foxtail’s Fast Curves) – bred by Bonnie and William Farrell and owned by Bonnie Farrell and Sarah Sweetman

And a Cavalier King Charles Champion also
Stevie – CH Kazuri’s You Are the Sunshine of My Life (CH Angels Pride Zakkary X LoKazuri Star Fourth In Line)

And a First time achievement for Sarah
I also won my first (personal) specialty show with Dutch (BISS GCH Van-Mar N Kazuri Brewin Up Trouble) bred by myself (Sarah Sweetman) and Chelsea Metteer and lovingly owned by Sarah Smith-Falkner, Sarah Sweetman and Chelsea Metteer. While my dogs have achieved this before, this was the first time I have been at the end of the leash for it.

I am so grateful for an incredible year of achievements. Let’s go 2024!!