Tag Archives: dog show

Sir finishes getting all his single points at the Puyallup Cluster.

Sir (also known as “King Louie” to his family) garnered all his singles this weekend. Now just need to find him some majors to finish his CH title.

Official win photos to come so a candid from the showgrounds will have to do.

On Friday, at the Puyallup Valley Kennel Club, Kazuri’s To Sir With Love went Winners Dog/Best of Winners under judge Mr. Nathaniel Horn.

Sir went Winners Dog/Best of Winners/Best of Opp over a special on Saturday under judge Mr. Bryan Martin.

He went Winners Dog on Sunday under judge Mr. Luis F. Sosa.

He went Winners Dog again on Sunday under judge Mrs. Patti Wadick Neale.

Sir is out of our homebred champion “Emmy” (CH Kazuri’s Dreaming of an Emmy) and “Ben” (BIS/BISS CH Kahootz Chase Manhatten).

Sir is MLS/F7/NCCD/CAT clear and black tri dominant.

Thank you to the judges who found my “Covid baby” this weekend and congratulations to all the other winners. Thank you also to Tammie Wilcox for showing Sir this weekend. I always appreciate her so much. I had a crazy weekend with other commitments, so appreciated her support.

Rosie gets both her Majors

Rosie (Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming Up Roses) had a wonderful weekend at the Strawberry Classic in Lakeland Florida. She went Reserve Winners Bitch on Friday under Mrs Sulie Greendale-Paveza.

Rosie went on to win Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for a 4 point major on Saturday under Ms. JoAnne Buehler.

On Sunday she repeated her win for Winners Bitch and Best of Winners and a 3 point major on Sunday under judge Mr. Raymond V. Filburn Jr.

I am so thankful to these judges who found that Rosie was a quality girl in the lineup of 13 inch dogs. She now just needs 3 singles to finish her CH title. Not bad for only 2 weekends of showing πŸ™‚ Good job Rosie Posie.

San Mateo and Oakland Dog Shows

Rosie (Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming Up Roses) and Nick (Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas) had their debut at the San Mateo and Oakland dog shows this weekend. Due to Covid, all the dog shows around California have been cancelled this year and so we were grateful that these ones went ahead with so much planning and social distancing.

My co-breeders and co-owners Mike and Karen Kurtzner took Rosie and Nick into the ring. We never know how a first weekend will go, especially when they are over a year, but Nick and Rosie took it all in stride and acted like they were old pros.

Rosie showed in 13s, taking Best of Breed Thursday, Friday and Saturday and then Reserve Winners Bitch on the Sunday.

Nick showed in 15s and went Best Dog and Best of Winners each day and then Best of Breed Saturday and Sunday – Saturday was over specials.

While there weren’t big points to be won, I am thrilled at the start these two have made.

A huge thank you to judges Mrs Barabara Dempsey Alderman, Ms Denney C. Mounce, Ms Peggy L Lloyd and Mrs Debbie Campbell-Freeman for recognizing our dogs.

Rosie is Madison x Walter (CH Foxtails Dreaming of the Race TKN x BISS GCH Meadowcrest Just Call Me Sir) and Nick is Vixen x Payton (CH Hailstorms Feeling a little Foxy at Kazuri TKN x CH Malarky In Good Company).

Cavalier of Puget Sound Specialty Shows

Because of COVID, we have all been starved of going to going to shows. The State-wide restrictions have made it almost impossible all year to get together.

The Cavalier of Puget Sound (COPS) show, which are usually held mid year, were postponed till this weekend in the hopes that the numbers would be smaller. They were able to join with the shows at Richfield WA and have back to back specialty shows the day before the All breed shows that were happening on the weekend.

So, Phoenix and Summer and I, met Susan and Alisha from Lockestar cavaliers, who brought along Sirius, James and Christopher, and we had a day full of fun with our fellow cavalier fanciers. There were rules of course – stay 6ft apart and wear a mask at all times, but we all complied – anything to be able to do what we love πŸ™‚

Our brilliant judges were Mrs Patricia Hastings and Mr Gary Stiles.

The second COPS show was dedicated to the late Nancy Rice Waggoner who passed away earlier this year. She was incredibly dedicated to the sport of cavaliers – what I mean by that is what she didn’t just see them as “pretty” lap dogs, but saw them as capable working dogs also, and many of her dogs worked on other titles as well – they got therapy titles so she could give back to others and agility titles so they could show they could move and keep their brains active. She tried to breed to the standard winning many accolades over the years – Best of Breeds, Group Placements, Best in Shows – her hard work showed in her placements. And she was a really lovely person. I always remember her smile greeting everyone at every show I went to. I was glad this show was dedicated to her memory.

Here are some of the many wonderful memories from the show – obviously not everything is here – thank you to Becky Smith’s husband Steve for taking photos ringside.

Echo Wins two Majors at Boise ID

Echo (Kazuri’s Feeling The Siren’s Call) has had a wonderful weekend in Boise, at the Idaho Capital City Kennel Club.

She went reserve to the major on the Friday under judge Mr Dean A Laney.

On the Saturday she went Best of Winners and Best of Opposite over a Special and won her first major – a 4point major under Mr Gary L Anderson!

She made us proud the next day by garnering her second major under judge Mrs Anne Katona when she went Winners Bitch again on the Sunday.

Echo is the daughter of Peyton (CH Malarky In Good Company) X Vixen (CH Hailstorms Feeling A Little Foxy At Kazuri TKN).

She currently has 10/15 of her CH points with limited showing. I couldn’t be prouder.