I am truly floating on cloud 9 after this weekend. It is the kind of weekend breeders dream of. I loved Nick as a puppy and had some high hopes for him but to see it come true is something else.
There is more to being a group placer than just being “pretty”. They have to be able to stay confident amongst all the other breeds of dogs and not feel intimidated. They need to be able to sit around for hours in their crate waiting for their ring time, and then be “on” when it’s their turn. They need to be okay with all the travel and change of venues as they go from show to show. Some dogs prefer to be homebodies, others thrive on the change. You don’t know if your dog is going to love showing until you start working with them. Nick LOVES it. You just have to watch the videos of him and you can see how much.
Here is how the Strawberry Classic weekend went for Nick (now CH Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas).
Nick went Winners Dog and Best of Winners on Friday under Mrs Sulie Greendale-Paveza for a 4 point major to finish his CH title with 3 majors and 17 points.
We moved him up to the “Breed” as a champion on Saturday and for his first day as a “Special” he won the Breed (over several specials – one of whom is currently the #1 dog in the USA) under Ms. JoAnne Buehler. Mrs Buehler was also our Hound group judge and we won a Group 3 under her! WOW! There were some beautiful dogs in that ring!
On Sunday Nick won the breed again judge Mr. Raymond V. Filburn Jr. he then went on to win a Hound group 1 under Mr Filburn!! Oh my gosh!! To say I was blown away was an understatement!
I am so thankful to these judges who found that Nick was a quality dog in the lineup of such quality hounds. We have our first Grand CH points and our first points towards All breed and Breed ranking. Something I have never even thought of before. This is all new territory for me. <3 I am excited to see what this new adventure brings.
This link is the hound group where Nick got his group 3 (it was televised that day). He is on at 21:30 if you want to see him.