I couldn’t be more proud of these two boys who have both earned an invite to Westminster Kennel Club.

WKC is not the largest dog show in the USA, but holds a tradition of being one of the oldest dog shows in the USA having it’s first show debut on May 8, 1877. There is a certain pride breeders and handlers get from their dog placing at WKC.
An interesting fact is that the The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is one of a handful ofΒ benched showsΒ in the United States. This means that all of the dogs are required to be on display at their assigned show benches during the entire show except for when they are shown in the ring, being groomed, or taken outside to potty. This type of display allows spectators and breeders alike to have an opportunity of seeing all the entered dogs, ask questions and put their hands on some of the best quality dogs in the country.
2025 we have a 15 inch dog and 13 inch dog going in beagles.
TEX (15 inch) – MRBISOH BISS GCHG Kazuri N Van-Mar Trouble in Texas – (By BISS CH Ha-Penny’s Too Much Trouble x AUS CH Karakush Proof Is Inth Pudding). Bred-by and Owned by Chelsea Metteer & Sarah Sweetman and co-owned by Hillary Arnaud

MURPHY (13 inch) – RBIS BISS GCHG Kazuri’s Everything’s Gonna Be Alright – (By CH Bill T’s August Rush To Alpenglow x CH Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming Up Roses). Bred-by Sarah Sweetman & Mike and Karen Kurtzner and co-owned by Sarah Sweetman, Sarah Sweetman
Shown by Randy Benz or Sarah Smith-Falkner