Tag Archives: hound

Charlotte’s CKCS cavalier pups are 7 weeks old

Charlotte is also now completely weaned her pups and they are independent – they love to play and explore the gardens outside and chase the bigger dogs. I love this cuddly wiggly stage so much.

Enjoy their chair pictures from this week – I think this will be my last opportunity for solo pictures like this as they are busy little guys.




Want to see more puppy play? Visit us on Instagram @Kazuri.beaglesandcavaliers

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Phoenix’s ckcs cavalier puppies are 7 weeks old

Phoenix has now completely weaned her pups and they are independent – they love to play and explore the gardens outside and chase the bigger dogs. I love this cuddly wiggly stage so much

Enjoy their chair pictures from this week – I think this will be my last opportunity for solo pictures like this.




Want to see more puppy play? Visit us on Instagram @Kazuri.beaglesandcavaliers

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Sylvie’s beagle puppies are 2 weeks old

Sylvie’s pups are thriving under her loving care. She is a calm and careful mom and the babies are growing well. Their eyes just opened so I am sure we will see them start to move around a little more this week.

Enjoy their latest photos.



Want to see more puppy play? Visit us on Instagram @Kazuri.beaglesandcavaliers

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Nick gets BOS at Westminster

It is a big hoop-a-la to go to Westminster – but when your dog qualifies for the 3rd year, it really feels like you should go.

We were so so proud to watch Nick strut his stuff on TV and represent himself and beagles so very well. He got BOS which is “Best Opposite Sex” to the girl who won – so essentially he was the Best of the boys 🙂 While it didnt earn him a trip to the Hound Group, we were also very happy for Oleg V and Cukierka who won.

Here are some screen shots I took from the TV – no editing (obviously) – he is super

Sylvie’s beagle pups are 1 week old

Just as suspected, Sylvie is an amazing mother and the pups are thriving. She keeps them spotlessly clean and well fed. Both girls have put on double their birthweight and girl 2 has tripled hers. She is chunky. LOL

Enjoy the photos of them – their first official ones. I have decided to call them the Olsen twins. So – without further ado

Ashley (Girl 1 with the bobtail)

Mary-Kate/M-K (Girl 2)

Want to see more puppy play? Visit us on Instagram @Kazuri.beaglesandcavaliers

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Sylvie and Tex welcome their puppies

Sylvie had an easy pregnancy, but also had some weird things – she bled (giant blood clots) starting from day 30 all the way up till about a week before she gave birth.

On day 64 I took her to my vet with no signs of labor. Her progesterone was 2.4 (we like it to be under 2 for a c-section). With 2 pups on board, we knew there was a possibility that her body wouldnt drop enough progesterone for labor to start and so we opted to give her a c-section and get the pups out safe and sound. I am always so thankful to Dr Anders Thoreson and the team at Klahaya for their care and kindness of my dogs.

I am so thankful that I get to be back there to rub babies down and be some of the first people to greet them earthside. Sylvie’s surgery went off without a hitch, and we got 2 healthy GIRLS – the babies were born hungry and vocal and ready for their first meal

Back at home, Syl settled in well – babies nursed well and quickly started to put on weight. As you might notice in the photos below, one of our sweet girls has a natural bob tail. She was checked over by our vet and he said there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with her. I am thankful for that.

I am so thankful to have these healthy girls. The one with the bob tail will be available since I wont be able to show her or use her in my breeding program. She will make a beautiful companion for someone.

Phoenix has her CKCS puppies

Phoenix went in to the vet today as she had some black discharge and so we decided to run a progesterone and see how she was doing. Much to our surprise she was at almost a 0 and birth was impending – 4 days earlier than planned (and we calculate day 60 not 63 for cavaliers anyway).

With the consultation with Dr Thoreson from Klahaya animal vet clinic, we decided to do a c-section in case something was wrong. I am so glad we did as there was a dead puppy (probably for a few days) and that more than likely spurred her to be laboring early.

The 4 surviving pups were small but strong and Phoenix came through the surgery without a hitch. enjoy

Girl 1 (blen) – 5.0oz

Girl 2 – (ruby with stripe) – 4.25oz

Girl 3 – (ruby with dot) – 5.9oz

Boy (ruby) – 5.45oz

Once home, Phoenix recovered quickly and took to caring for her babies. I love moms who are wonderful and do their job well.

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Tex has an amazing weekend

Chelsea and I are so excited about Tex.

He picked up his first group placement under breeder-judge Dana Cline and made the cut in a strong Hound Group under Sheila Paske on the Sunday this weekend.

He is just 20 months old and so thrilled at his placement so young. He is bred and owned by myself Sarah Sweetman and Chelsea Metteer from Van-Mar beagles out of our Spencer and Puddin litter.

To make it even better, he is all clear for MLS, Factor VII, PRA, NCCD, PK Def., POAG, Lafora, and OFA normal for cardiac and eyes.

CH Kazuri N Van-Mar Trouble in Texas

Nellie’s CKCS puppies venture outside at 5 weeks old

Nellie’s pups are now thriving – the pain and agony of Miss Josie 2 weeks ago is a distant memory as the pups are eating and playing and doing all the things they should be. Josie is only a little smaller than her siblings – if you didn’t know how close she came to passing away, I don’t think you would be able to tell.

The weather is still pretty cold outside and so when we hit the 50s today, I decided to take them out for a small 15 min play in the garden. They were a little nervous but quickly felt that they wanted to play and explore. I think in the coming days we will try a few more outside experiences. 🙂

Enjoy the latest pictures of the babies. To be considered for a Kazuri cavalier king charles puppy, please read through our puppy page and fill out a questionnaire. thanks.





Everyone playing

Wintery fun in the yard

Winter in the PNW can be a little dreary at times as the weather is wet and the dogs can’t get out as much as we would like them to. It has been cold and so the rain has turned to ice, but since it’s not raining, we are playing outdoors anyway.

Enjoy the photos of them from today. I love watching them play.