Arrow had her puppies today!! It all happened rather fast with her temperature dropping last night and then starting labor about 7:45am and the first baby arriving shortly after.
Unfortunately, the first delivery, while it went smoothly, Arrow whelped a puppy girl that presented with some development issues – we rushed her and Arrow to the vet but she could unfortunately not be saved. The vet assured us that we didn’t do anything wrong and that the placement of her egg/placenta probably didn’t allow her the right amount of nutrients to grow properly. We will forever be grateful to the team at Companion Vet clinic in Snohomish for the care and support they gave to us.
While upset, Brianna was a trooper and held her as she passed, and we named her “Cherry” as we will bury her under a cherry tree later today.
Arrow started to push again, and within the next hour, she gave birth to 3 healthy baby boys.
Momma and the 3 boys are doing great – Arrow has taken to her new role as momma with enthusiasm – its hard to convince her to eat or go potty – luckily she is only 12 lbs and so easy to carry outside for a quick break.
we will provide updates as they grow – we are already so smitten 🙂