Tag Archives: midwest

Callie wins BOV/BOSS at the Midwest Regional Beagle Specialty

I travelled to Amana Iowa to attend “Beaglefest” early Sept and had so much fun meeting fanciers i have “met” online but actually getting to sit and chat with them in person. It was fun to be in the ring with so many amazing dogs and people. There was so much comradery and laughter – everything community and competition should be. If anyone is thinking about going, I would say “do it”.

My little 13 inch beagle Callie (GCHB Kazuri’s Everything’s Sugar N Spice DCAT FDC) won Best of Variety in 13s under respected breeder judge Dr Oleg N Voloshin Ph.D. She went on to win BOSS to the lovely Victor who won 15s. I was thrilled to be in the ring with Victor and be awarded beside him.

Callie also won Select B under Dr. Camille McArdle D.V.M at the Amana Hound Show.

This little spice girl is my heart and soul and she’s not always easy to show, but always gives it her all. She also ran 6 Fast cat runs completing her DCAT and getting many points towards her FCAT.

Callie is owner/breeder shown and I am so thankful to Liz for letting me use Arthur for my Rosie girl. (CH Bill T’s August Rush to Alpenglow x CH Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming up Roses)

Amana Iowa Dog Show “Beaglefest”

Every year there is a set of beagle and all breed shows held in Amana Iowa – it is dubbed “beaglefest” and I just knew I had to go. My friends Dolly and Malia joined me and of course I got to spend time with my beloved friends Mike and Karen Kurtzner.

It did not disappoint – I got to meet people that I “know” online and chat to them in person. I got to see and exhibit with beautiful dogs and showed my girl Callie and her 1/2 sister DeeJay (who currently lives with Mike and Karen).

I had so very much fun except for being totally allergic to something in the region, meaning my nose was always running and eyes puffy – but I didnt even mind as I had so much fun.

We even did Fastcat for Nick, Savannah, Callie and Gracie.

See you all next year!!! Same time, same place!! <3