It has 4 weeks since these beautiful beagle puppies were born and they are confident on their feet. Today I decided, since it was sunny outside, that I would attempt to take photos of them outside.
They were very busy sniffing and walking around so the photos arent the best, but you can see they are growing.
and yes, I did trim nails right after this 🙂 LOL.
Violet is a great mom and is keeping them clean and very well fed – we like chunky babies. So now is the time to introduce our sweet babies one by one to the world.
PICKLES (Kazuri’s Gonna Be A Big Dill) garnered her 2nd and 3rd majors from the puppy classes, in only 2 weekends of showing, for a total of 12 points, I am guessing she will be finished before we know it.
On Saturday, she went WB/BOW/BOS over a special for a 5 point major under judge Erika N Wyatt.
On Sunday she went WB for a 3 point major under judge Ms Marilyn L Van Vleit.
Pickles was bred by Sarah Sweetman and is co-owned/loved by herself and Sarah Smith-Falkner.
Vada Potato is from Willow and Murphy and is 4.5 months. We had a show in Albany and they were hosting 3 days of “BPUP” for the 4-6 month old puppies which is a low key fun way for them to see what this showing thing is all about.
The judges Mr John Mayhall, Ms Annella Cooper and Mrs Donna M Gilbert were so loving and sweet and gave all the puppies such a great experience.
Vada (Kazuri N Joyful Noise Sunshine On A Cloudy Day) aka Potato took everything in her stride – she moved beautifully and held her stack on the table and group despite all the sight and sounds of the other rings. I couldn’t be prouder as a breeder and owner of this sweet smart little girl.
She won Hound Group 1 all 3 days and showed her socks off (no win) in “best puppy”.
These photos were taken from videos so please excuse the quality.
Ozzy came into his first show of 2025 needing 2 majors and 8 points total (so if he got 3 point majors he would have needed a couple of singles too).
Knowing there would be potential majors in Albany OR, I entered Ozzy hoping he might be able to garner those points and finish.
Well – finish he did. I asked for Cheyenne Calvert’s help since I can’t take 2 dogs in the ring at the same time so I am thankful for her.
The first day, under judge Ms Rhonda DeSilva, Ozzy went WD/BOW/BOV for a 5 point major. Talk about crazy amazing. He then made the final 6 cut in Hound Group under judge Mrs Christine Erickson – from the classes!
The second day he went WD for another 2 points under judge Erika N Wyatt. On Sunday he went WD/BOW for his final major to finish under judge Ms Marilyn L Van Vleit.
Talk about so proud. Our first Kazuri CH for 2025. CH Kazuri N Joyful Noise Just Over The Rainbow
Congratulations to his “mommy” Tesla and co-breeder/co-owner Dolly
Every year I like to look back on all the amazing things that have happened in our breeding program and showing.
I will first say that I am so so grateful for my husband and partner Steve who keeps the homefires burning when I am away at a show. He is wonderful with our adult dogs and perfect with our puppies. I could not travel to shows and stay there overnight without him taking care of the ones I leave behind.
I am so thankful for my village of friends who are like family who help take dogs in the ring, look after puppies, trust me to mentor them, and those who are there to bounce ideas off, who allow me to use their dogs at stud or trust me with their lines. I am SO SO thankful and know I could not be here without you all!!
Without further ado I will post how my 2024 panned out – what a good one 🙂
New Bronze CH and Specialty Winner TEX – OHBIS BISS GCH Kazuri N Van-Mar Trouble In Texas (BISS Ha’Penny’s Too Much Trouble x Aus CH Karakush Proof Is InTh Pudding) Bred / co-owned by Chelsea Metteer * Sarah Sweetman and co-owned by Hillary Arnaud. Tex finished the year at #6 Breed and #5 Owner Handler. A huge thank you to Mike and Karen Kurtzner who showed Tex till May, and then co-owner/co-breeder Chelsea Metteer and co-owner Hillary Arnaud for piloting him the rest of the year!
New Bronze CH and Specialty Winner and Reserve Best In Show Winner MURPHY – GCHB Kazuri’s Everything’s Gonna Be Alright (out of CH Bill T’s August Rush to Alpenglow x CH Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming Up Roses). Bred by Sarah Sweetman & Mike & Karen Kurtzner. Owned by Sarah Sweetman & Sarah Smith-Falkner. Murphy started his career as a “special” just shy of his 2nd birthday in August 2024 – he and Randy quickly gained a rhythm together and ended the year with many group wins and placements, a Best In Specialty show with co-owner Sarah Smith-Falkner at the lead, and a Reserve Best In Show with Randy. He finished as the USA #4 13 inch beagle. So proud of this boy
New Bronze CH CALLIE – GCHB Kazuri’s Everything’s Gonna Be Sugar N Spice BCAT (out of CH Bill T’s August Rush to Alpenglow x CH Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming Up Roses). Bred by Sarah Sweetman & Mike & Karen Kurtzner. Owned by Sarah Sweetman. Callie and Sarah enjoyed a year showing together and were awarded OH group placements and wins and regular hound group placements. She finished as the USA#7 Breed and #8 Owner Handler 13 inch beagle. So proud of this sassy girl who is starting her new adventure as a Juniors dog in select appearances but living at home in between with Kazuri/Sarah.
New Champion (13 inch) LUMI – CH Kazuri’s Illuminate My Dreams (out of MBIS MBISS GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN ATT BCAT x Kazuri’s A Million Dreams). Bred by Sarah Sweetman, Mike & Karen Kurtzner. Owned by the Roman family. Lumi was sold as a pet, and then I saw her at 4 months I asked if they would mind if I showed her. They agreed and she finished with 4 majors in a handful of weekends from the 6-9 month old class.
New Champion and Grand Champion (13 inch) SAVANNAH – GCH Kazuri’s Everything’s Gonna Be Peachy (BISS GCHB Kazuri’s Everything’s Gonna Be Alright x CH Kazuri’s Feeling The Siren’s Call) – Bred by Sarah Sweetman, Co-owned by Malia Throop. Malia has done incredible things with Vannah Voo and they have received several Hound Group and Owner Handler Group placements. Malia and Vanna Voo also ended up in the rankings for both Breed (#36) and Owner Handler (#15)
New Champion (13 inch) BRINN – CH Kazuri’s Chasing My Dreams (out of MBIS MBISS GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN ATT BCAT x CH Kazuri’s A Joyful Chase Thru The Woods). Bred by Sarah Sweetman, Mike & Karen Kurtzner and owned by Sarah Sweetman & the Davis Family. Brinn wasn’t sure about showing at first, but when she figured out the game and how much yummy chicken she would get, she was all in. She finished with 4 majors and multiple BOS over specials. Thank you to Shelley McGaugh who Brinn LOVED showing with and so she worked their magic mojo to show her.
New Champion (13 inch) MORRISON- CH Kazuri’s Everything Reminds Me Of You (out of BISS GCH Tashwould DeJa Vu x Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming Up Roses) Bred / owned by Sarah Sweetman, Mike & Karen Kurtzner and now loved by the King family under the name “Otis”. Morrison/Otis is the sweetest boy and a joy to live with. This litter is special as we used 26 year old frozen semen from a dog BJ that won the National Beagle Club show TWICE along with his other many achievements!! He quickly gained his CH title from the Bred By puppy class and now lives in a guardian home as perhaps one day he will sire a litter.
New Champion (13 inch) LUCY – CH Wilderness You Can’t Take My Sass (out of BISS BIS GCH Glade Mill L’Attente x CH Wilderness Sugar Rush). Bred by Diana Cazier & Cheyenne Wohlschlegel Co-owned by Malia Throop & Sarah Sweetman. When Diane from Wilderness beagles in ID contacted me about a couple of girls she had available, I will admit my interest piqued as I love their sire Victor. Funnily enough, I had just been on a road trip with a couple of show friends and talking about these puppies and Malia and I decided there was only one thing but to fly to UT and attend a dog show and look at puppies. We were not disappointed and brought Lucy home. At first she would rather run and play in the show ring and table, but once she figured out the game of how to show, she was unstoppable taking some notable wins over many specials once she had obtained her CH title. Malia and I are so very excited for the future
New Champion and New Mommy (Cavalier King Charles) STELLA (CH Lockestar Hundred Acre Wood x LoKazuri Star Fourth In Line TKN). Bred by Sarah Sweetman and co-owned by Amie & Emma Adams. Emma and Amie do an amazing job conditioning and presenting their dogs and Stella was no exception. She finished in style with Amie, gathering a 4 point major and BOS placement over many specials. Amie & Emma had Stella so they could start their own breeding program and were blessed with a lovely litter of 5. They kept two beautiful prospects and so watch for Hammy and Gemma in the ring in 2025.
New Bronze Champion MAXIM (15 inch) GCH Kazuri’s Rocking the naughty list at Roylcrest (out of MBIS MBISS GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN ATT BCAT x CH Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming Up Roses). Bred by Sarah Sweetman, Mike & Karen Kurtzner and owned by Lorna & Sam Boydston & Sarah Sweetman. Lorna did a great job showing Maxim who finished the year in #24 position after only showing a handful of weekends. He garnered multiple OH Group and regular Group placements with her.
And waiting in the wings to finish hopefully in 2025
DEEJAY- Kazuri Do You Get DeJa Vu (out of BISS GCH Tashwould DeJa Vu x Kazuri’s Everything’s Coming Up Roses) – 14 points including both majors and a group placement from the classes. Owned by Sarah Sweetman, Mike & Karen Kurztner
OZZY – Kazuri N JoyfulNoise Just Over The Rainbow (out of BISS CH Meadow Crest’s Just Call Me Sir x GCH Kazuri’s Cover Me In Sunshine) 7 singles – needs 2 majors and 1 single. He also got a Puppy Hound group 2 at a specialty hound show. Owned by Tesla Sabatier, Sarah Sweetman and Dolly Stearns
WHIMSY – Kazuri N JoyfulNoise Just Glitter In The Wind (out of BISS CH Meadow Crest’s Just Call Me Sir x GCH Kazuri’s Cover Me In Sunshine) 9 points – needs 2 majors – Owned by Dolly Stearns and Ruthie Tesky
**photo coming**
GYSPY – Kazuri N JoyfulNoise Just Lace And Paper Flowers (out of BISS CH Meadow Crest’s Just Call Me Sir x GCH Kazuri’s Cover Me In Sunshine) 8 singles – needs 2 majors owned by Sarah Sweetman
CHASE – CH Kazuri’s Chasin’ My Dreams (out of MBIS MBISS GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN ATT BCAT x Kazuri’s A Million Dreams). Has 1 major – needs 1 major plus singles. Owned by Sarah Sweetman and the Niessen Family
And our youngsters waiting in the wings who may or may not make a debut – owned / co-owned or bred by / co-bred by Kazuri 🙂 <3
Malibu (Kazuri’s Blue Skies over Malibu),
Roads (Kazuri’s Find New Roads),
Aurora (Kazuri A Million Lights Across Icy Skies),
Luca (Kazuri’s Trouble Free Dreams),
Walker (Kazuri’s Just A Cake Walk),
Dunkin (Kazuri Do-Nut Give Me Trouble)
Vada (aka Potato Kazuri N JoyfulNoise Sunshine On A Cloudy Day),
Jack Jack (Kazuri N JoyfulNoise Sunhine of Your Love),
Lyric (JoyfulNoise N Kazuri The Sound of Sunshine)
This has been a big week – the puppies got some kind of tummy bug and the poor sweet babies got vomiting and diarrhea. So we had a few days of making sure they were hydrated and keeping up on calories. Thankfully we seem to be back on track to healthy and so we are on track again.
They are starting to crawl around, and play fight – their tiny growls are just adorable. I love that when I go into visit them, they wake up and come toddling over.
Enjoy the photos of them from this week – a titch over 3 weeks as I wanted to make sure they were safe and healthy.
We definitely have little boys from this litter that will be available in January to go to their forever homes. If you are interested, please contact us.
The beagle puppies are 4 weeks old and using their potty boxes regularly, and eating 3 meals of mush a day. Mommas Daisy and Charity have earned a well deserved break and are nursing as needed a couple of times a day. I think they really enjoy the space as well as being able to care for their babies when they want to.
The puppies are up on their feet and getting stronger every day. I love their little wobbly play sequences and little growls and howls – it’s only a matter of time before we hear a baby bark 🙂
Enjoy their latest photos 🙂
Daisy x Beau – Boy 1 – Walker
Daisy x Beau – Boy 2 – Buck
Charity x Tex – Girl 1 “pink” – Monica
Charity x Tex – Girl 2 “Lavendar” – Beth
Charity x Tex – Boy 1 “Brown” – John
Charity x Tex – Boy 2 “Light Blue” – Kasey
Phoenix’s babies are just thriving. My daughter Brianna looked after them while I dashed to NZ to celebrate my Nana’s 90th birthday celebration. She did an amazing job. I am so thankful for her.
They have their eyes open now and are starting to get up on their feet.
I am not sure where to even start, but I am so proud of my Kazuri kids, both owned by us and other people. I was attending my Nana’s 90th birthday in New Zealand (where I am from). So, i was jealous at all my friends having a fabulous time without me, and also how proud I was of my dogs.
First up, I have to say I am so so proud of my 20 month old 13 inch boy MURPHY. He won Best In Specialty (BISS) at the first beagle specialty under Dr Andrea Bradford.
Savannah (Kazuri’s Gonna Be Peachy) took 13 inch winners bitch all three All Breed shows at Chintimini and proved she is a quick learner being at her first dog show. She loved and co-owned between Malia Throop and Sarah Sweetman
Claire, Roylcrest’s Anything You Want, You Got It, ( daughter of Kazuri boy Ch Kazuri’s To Sir With Love) in 13” Beagles, won WB for a major, Best Bred by Exhibitor 13”, BOS and Best Bred by in Specialty under Dr Andrea Bradford. At the second specialty under judge Mrs Wendy Boce she won 13 inch Winners Bitch and Best Bred by Exhibitor 13 inch Beagles. Kazuri is thrilled for Lorna and Sam from Roylcrest beagles and this super little girl.
Maxim, GCH CH Kazuri’s Rockin’ The Naughty List at Roylcrest bred by Kazuri and co-owned by Lorna & Sam Boydston and Sarah Sweetman won 15” BOS under Dr Andrea Bradford
I am so so very proud of my Kazuri dogs and how well they did this weekend. <3