Sometimes breeding brings us so much joy. And sometimes it brings us heartache. This post is one with some heartache – I have endeavored to be honest about the good, the bad, the ups and downs with my journey in breeding and so I want to share this also. You have been warned and I understand if you dont want to read on.
Sylvie’s baby #2 (the biggest girl) thrived from day 1. She was big and healthy and I am grateful. The first baby, I bottle and tube fed for support as she was tiny – I was afraid that she would use up her energy trying to find a nipple instead of growing so she had equal time with mom and supported with a bottle. Baby #3 was born with an overbite. While overbites are fairly common in neonates (they help the latch), this one was an extreme overbite. More than that, she also struggled to breathe, often gasping for air when there was no reason for it.
I took these photos of the 3 girls. Little did I know, they would be the first and last official photos of baby 1 and 3. We lost them both within the first week of birth. To say that we tried everything to save them is an understatement, but I also firmly believe that sometimes it is not meant to be. I am grateful to Dr Thoreson and the team at Klahaya Animal Hospital who took great care of them (and me) this week.
Sylvie got to see both girls after each passed. She grieved a bit but is going amazingly well. Did she know there was something wrong? or is this just natures way? I dont know, but I am grateful she hasn’t skipped a beat in taking care of our precious survivor.
Rosie’s pups have been growing well – they are up on their feet and exploring their pen. I decided to take them on a little adventure outside – they werent too sure what to think but their little sniffers were in hyperdrive trying to figure out their new world.
My good friend, but small hobby breeder Bonnie Farrell had a litter 2 months ago with her girl Bristol (CH Foxtail’s Fast Curves) and my boy Nick (MBIS MBISS GCHG Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN)
She has several available but doesn’t have a web presence so that is why I am posting them here
Please contact her directly at: Located in Tacoma WA.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone here at Kazuri.
From the beagle and cavalier babies:
Cinamon (Girl)
Nutmeg (Boy 1)
Ginger (Boy 2)
Clove (Boy 3)
Thank you for your interest in my breeding program. We have an existing waitlist and so these puppies will be spoken for. If you want to be considered for future puppies, please visit my “Puppy page” for details.
Time is starting to fly by – we are at the half way point – I am not sure how we got here already. The babies are starting to be awake a little more and play in their pen.
We are giving them more activities to interact with and it is fun to see them explore the world around them. They are using the litter boxes when it is available to them about 50% of the time – a great start to litterbox training 🙂
I took them outside for a little outside time since the weather was so favorable. They were a little unsure at first but it didn’t take them long to use their little noses to start exploring that weird green stuff and all the plants in my garden.
Enjoy the photos of them this week.
Please note that none of these pups are available at this time. thank you for your patience and understanding.
I am so so pleased to announce that Sir “Kazuri’s To Sir With Love” is our latest champion. He makes Kazuri’s 6th beagle champion for 2021. <3
On Saturday, at the Sammamish Kennel club being held in Enumclaw WA, under judge Mrs. Kathleen J Brock, Sir went WD, BOW for a 3point major.
Then again today, under Mrs. Marianne C. Klinkoswki, he did it again going WD and BOW for another 3 point major to finish.
Sir finished his CH undefeated in the classes in only 4 weekends of showing (one of which was a single specialty day). He is now going to finish his health testing and enjoy the good life at home for a while. I am very proud.
Pud’s pups are growing beautifully. They are still on the smaller side but they amaze me with how active they are, so that might account with some of the lack of chub – they play with each other and the toys around their playpen. Their eyes are completely open and they wake up and toddle over to the side of the pen when they hear my voice. Yes, it’s a little ego boost 🙂 HAHA. Really, it’s just because I bottle fed them and they see me as a quick way to get their belly full 🙂
We are enjoying them so very much. I can’t wait till their little personalities start to emerge a little more.
This week we started solids a little earlier than I normally do – with Pudding’s milk supply not as high as needed, I thought we could support with some baby mush. They love love love their food 🙂 They are not super skilled at eating it, often trying to “nurse” it out of the bowl, but I know that those skills will come with time. But, I am glad they are getting some extra calories.
Their photos tonight were a little rushed – it was dinnertime and they were starving – so not my best work – but enjoy anyway. 🙂
Please note that none of these pups are for sale at this time. thank you for your patience and understanding.
Pending AKC approval, Kazuri has beagle CH #5 for 2021
Violet – CH Kazuri’s Keeping Up Appearances. <3
Violet is the daughter of Mia (CH Foxtail’s Need For Speed TKN) and Riker (GCH CH Starbuck & Manabay Boldly Go Fourth, BCAT, ORT, L1V, NW1) and finished at the Houston World of Series Dog Shows with 3 majors. She is now going to retire for a little bit until it’s her time to have babies.
We are so proud of this sweet and sassy little girl. She has gone to live with Riker’s mom Rebecca Dodson, who runs BodlyGoSports – she trains and competes in agility, dock diving, nose work and more. Violet is going to be very happy.
Late night on the 21st, I noticed that Pud was panting a little bit. Her temperature hadn’t dropped and she had eaten a full dinner, but it still made me think that the beginning of labor was certainly close.
I woke up every hour and a half through the night to keep an eye on her. She didn’t get much sleep. Poor girl was rather large and between her giant belly, need to pee constantly and the panting, she was needing to sleep sitting up. Remembering labor myself, I understood completely.
The next morning, her temperature went down to 97.6 and I knew we were in business. She was definatly in stage one.
We left her in her whelping area, so she could pace or sleep or rearrange the bedding as she pleased without the bother of anyone around. Luckily we have cameras and so i was able to watch her all day and I checked on her every hour. We took her for regular gentle walks and potty breaks and gentle head rubs. She was happy and content.
The only thing I kind of objected to was Pud decided she really liked laboring under a toddler structure in the side yard – she made a little hole while no doubt felt lovely and cool to lay in, but it made me so nervous to have her out there.
Around midnight things intensified and her watersac appeared, and quickly she gave birth to a little baby GIRL. She was in love and we were grateful that baby #1 was here safe and sound. She was 7.23oz. I felt this was a very respectable size considering how many we were expecting.
Baby #2 was a BOY – he was 3oz bigger at 10.26oz. Ironically he was born outside (remember how I told you about her obsession with that toddler structure??). Thankfully I had brought towels and scissors out to our potty break as I had a weird hunch she might want to push a baby out there – he didn’t even touch the ground. But, not my favorite place to whelp. His size surprised me. Big boy for 8 babies. Would he be the largest – time would tell.
Baby #3 was another GIRL – 10.16oz. Lovely straightforward birth – just how we like them.
Baby #4 was another GIRL – 10.41oz. I was starting to think the Heavens were smiling on us as breeders. And, I was starting to see a pattern of dark bodies and giant babies as the norm 😛 HAHA.
Baby #5 was another GIRL – 11.04oz – she was also born outside and was a dry birth. I was prepared, just as I was last time, but a dry birth is hard on momma so I hoped I would not have to repeat that.
Baby #6 was a BOY – 10.37oz and a very easy straightforward birth. Grateful for those. Pud was starting to get tired so I reminded her we were nearly done – just two more baby girl.
Baby #7 was a BOY – 11.39oz. This was another dry birth and his shoulders got stuck for about 15 mins. I am very thankful to my husband Steve, who I dragged out of bed at 6:30am, to help me gently pull this baby out. He was very blue/purple and I thought we had lost him but after many minutes of vigorous rubbing he was squeaking and moving around. I shed many tears of adrenaline and thankfulness.
Baby #8 was a GIRL. Her birth story was almost identical to the boy before her – I will forever be grateful to Steve and his long fingers for being able to get up into the pelvic bone and inch those babies forward – my fingers just weren’t long enough to grab them.
So, mama and babies all settled in. Pud has the most giant nipples and so the babies are all learning how to nurse off them – it’s quite the learning curve. The smallest baby has needed a little support – I am thankful I have an incubator / oxygen on hand. She gets a little colder since she gets pushed around by her bigger brothers and sisters. I will tube fed her a little bit and keep a vigilant watch over her. I think she will be just fine.
So, officially, they were born on the 23rd, since we had the first one arrive around 12:30am on the 23rd July. 🙂
**please note that none of these puppies are available as pets at this time. US breeders may enquire but we may or may not have anything available.**