I was scheduled to go to the Spokane/CDL show, and so I asked a good friend of mine Jamie to whelp Mishka’s litter. She does such a good job and I am grateful to her for being my back up. You can see Mish is totally comfortable with Jamie and her home.

Mishka went into labor in the morning and then had her first baby in the late morning. We got a boy – 9.9oz

Second baby took it’s time – once seen, it was obvious why. A large well marked girl – 12.24oz

Puppy three was another girl – a bi color and weighed in at 11.21oz – still a very good sized pup

Our last puppy arrived around 4pm and was a 3rd girl (yeah) 10.76oz

Mom and babies all are thriving and well. I am so so thankful for these gorgeous beagle puppies to raise and enjoy.