Tag Archives: wa

An open letter to the fancy about Tex

Last October, Chelsea and I were given the opportunity to send our young special, Tex, with longtime handlers Mike and Karen Kurtzner to begin a campaign in pursuit of letting him live up to his full potential.

In January, Tex and Mike took their first steps into the ring together and were awarded Best of Variety and a group placement that very weekend! In the months that passed, Tex quickly amassed some great BOV and Group placement wins, making him the #1 fifteen inch beagle in the nation for January and February.

Much to our delight, we also had the honor of exhibiting at this year’s Westminster Kennel Club dog show, to which Tex continued to make more dreams come true – winning Best of Opposite Sex at his very first Westminster.

Campaigning a dog is an incredible privilege and responsibility. It is something we feel incredibly blessed and grateful to experience and, when you have a dog you believe in as much as we do, you have to give them the opportunity to shine.

Campaigning a dog also comes with considerable costs โ€“ time, energy, travel, personal life and financial demands. While we had hoped to make the budget stretch until December, it has become obvious that this is not achievable for us at this time.

To this end, Mike, Karen, Chelsea and I talked openly and made the mutual decision that Tex would go to Westminster and then head back to the West Coast to live with me again. While we all felt sad, we also all felt this was the best decision given the parameters we had to work in.

Tex has touched down in California after a little stop with me in Seattle, and is doing great. Mike and Karen took incredible care of him, and he is in top condition, and will be shown by Chelsea as I can.

We are so incredibly proud of all that Tex has accomplished is such a short amount of time. All that would not have been possible without the hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and years of experience that Mike and Karen have poured into our dog. We are so blessed, proud of, and incredibly grateful for them.

… Onto the next chapter! ๐ŸŒŸ

Phoenix’s pups turns 2 weeks old

Phoenix’s babies are just thriving. My daughter Brianna looked after them while I dashed to NZ to celebrate my Nana’s 90th birthday celebration. She did an amazing job. I am so thankful for her.

They have their eyes open now and are starting to get up on their feet.

Enjoy their photos

Flopsy (Big boy)



Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?ย One of these pups may be available.ย Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Tex gets BOV each day and Group 2s in Columbiana

Tex and Mike had a wonderful weekend – they won three hound group 2nd!

This boy is on a roll… going 15 inch Best of Variety all four days at Columbiana, AL and Hound Group 2 three of the four days! At just 2.5 years old, we are so delighted.

Thank you to judges Mrs Pamela Peat, Mrs Joanne Buehler, Mrs Molly Martin for these wins and for Mike and Karen for your hard work!

๐ŸŒŸGCHB Kazuri N Van-Mar Trouble In Texas ๐ŸŒŸ

(BISS CH Ha-Penny’s Too Much Trouble x AUS CH Karakush Proof Is Inth Pudding)

Proudly bred and owned by Sarah Sweetman and Chelsea Metteer

Phoenix and Watson welcome 3 boys

This pairing is a Kazuri to Kazuri match – I don’t do those often as I try to match my girls with their best match, and that isn’t always what I own or bred. However, I was excited to take these two lines that I started and cross them together mixed with a loose line breeding of “Ripley” (GCH Brookhaven Believe it or not” being behind both of these dogs.

Phoenix went into labor on Saturday, and knowing she only had 3 on board, I didn’t want to take the risk getting one stuck (previous litter experience) and so we opted for a c-section. I am so thankful for vets who are available as needed.

I was expecting rubies and lo and behold we got 3 Blenheim boys. Who would have thought??? Not me.

I am so excited to watch these little fellas grow. Our sweet little Easter babies.

Biggest boy 7.1oz

Red boy 6.8oz

Tiny boy

Mom and babies are doing fantastic and already nursing like champions

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?ย One of these pups may be available.ย Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

New International Champion Titles

My friends Dolly, Malia and Ruthie and I went to Ridgefield to play at the International Dog show there.

We took beagles Savannah (Kazuri’s It’s Gonna Be Peachy), Gypsy (Joyful Noise N Kazuri Just Lace and Paper Flowers) and Whimsy (Joyful Noise N Kazuri Just Glitter in the Wind). Whim did not show but Savannah and Gypsy had a wonderful day. Both got their Puppy IntCH and Gypsy went on to get owner handled reserve best in show for the puppies. Talk about an incredible finish to the day!!

We took 4 cavaliers – Teddy (Kazuri’s Roosevelt Rough Rider), Puck (Kazuri’s Light Up The Ice), Charlie (Kazuri’s The Mystery of Hope) and Piper (Kazuri’s Play Me Another Love Song). All four attained top marks for their age and got their INT CH titles. I was so so thrilled indeed.

It was a busy weekend with loads of memories and fun. I am so glad I have these opportunities to hang out with my friends, road trip and show our amazing dogs. thank you to all the families who are guardians for some of these dogs and allow me to borrow them to show.

7 week photos of the ckcs and beagle puppies as they play outside

The puppies are tiny dogs now and love nothing more than when they can play in the big yard with the big dogs. Right now the weather in the PNW is unpredictable and so we make the most of going outside every moment we can.

The cavaliers are growing confidence as the beagle puppies show them the ropes. Our golden is a perfect playmate as she is gentle and shows them big dogs are nothing to be afraid of. Even dogs that are visiting like Darwin the beagle, enjoy moments of play – even if they try to nurse from him.

I am enjoying every moment with these precious little ones. I have just under 2 weeks before the first of the beagles starts to fly the coup. Sigh.

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?ย One of these pups may be available.ย Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Ckcs and beagle pups get their 6 week photos taken on the blue chair

The cavalier king charles and beagle pups love exploring and food. Their little personalities are starting to emerge and we are loving geting to know them.

please excuse the food on their faces – they had just enthusiastically eaten lunch and then had a little playtime – it’s real life when raising pups but we wanted to make the most of a short break in the rain and i didnt want to make them cold by giving them a full bath

Cavalier puppies (Nellie x Getty)




Beagle puppies (Mishka x Sir)






Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?ย One of these pups may be available.ย Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Mishka and Sirs pups venture outside – 4 weeks

Mishkaโ€™s puppies are really starting to look and act like real puppies. They are almost weaned โ€“ not because they want to be โ€“ ha! We have been taking them outside for short spells and so they are building up muscles and sniffing everywhere skills!

They are sweet and confident โ€“ they are getting good at going up 2 โ€“ 3 stairs at a time thanks to the little ladder and slide they play on and love playing in the garden. I love snuggling them so much.

Enjoy the photos of them from this week <3






Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?ย One of these pups may be available.ย Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Mishka’s beagle puppies turn 2 weeks old

Mishka’s babies are thriving – they all have their eyes open and are starting to explore around the whelping pen. It’s fun to watch them move around and get strong on their little feet. I can’t wait for their little personalities to start shining through.

Enjoy the photos of them from this morning ๐Ÿ™‚






Want to see more puppy play? Visit us on Instagram @Kazuri.beaglesandcavaliers

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Mishka’s beagle pups are a week old

Mishka’s babies are thriving and we got to bring them home. They are chubby and content and so wonderful. I am so glad this litter has been so easy. I took updated pictures – there are some cute pups in this bunch thats for sure.






Want to see more puppy play? Visit us on Instagram @Kazuri.beaglesandcavaliers

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.