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Phoenix’s CKCS pups are 4 weeks old

I have to say the reminder that Phoenix’s blenhiem girl is staying with a friend till she is a little older (see my previous blogpost) – so we wont have official photos of her for a few more weeks.

However, the 3 i have are doing great – they are eating mushy food now and all well over a 1lb – which is 4x their birthweights – pretty incredible. They are playing with each other (or attempting to at least) and making little squeaks when I go in – I love it.

So enjoy their 4 week photos.




Want to see more puppy play? Visit us on Instagram @Kazuri.beaglesandcavaliers

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Charlotte’s CKCS cavalier pups turn 2 weeks

Charlotte must have full cream milk – her puppies are growing like little chubby weeds. Their eyes are just starting to open.

Enjoy the photos of them from today




Want to see more puppy play? Visit us on Instagram @Kazuri.beaglesandcavaliers

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Phoenix’s ckcs cavalier puppies turn 2 weeks

Phoenix’s tiny babies have all doubled in size – while they still look much smaller in comparison to Charlotte’s, they are growing and strong. I love that their faces are filling out and not sharp and skinny like when they were first born.

Anyway – enjoy the latest pictures of these precious little ones.





Want to see more puppy play? Visit us on Instagram @Kazuri.beaglesandcavaliers

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Cavalier indoor playtime

The PNW is both beautiful and can be wet at this time of the year. The puppies enjoy time outside in their play yard while it is dry but when it is raining they have plenty of romping time in our living room. It was bitterly cold and raining today so they enjoyed playtime in our living space and of course I had to document them

Enjoy them – 9 weeks today.

Want to see more puppy play? Visit us on Instagram @Kazuri.beaglesandcavaliers

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Charlotte has her CKCS puppies

Miss Charlotte was overdue and no signs of labor, so I am so thankful to the team at Klahaya Animal Hospital led by amazing vet Dr Anders Thoreson for doing a c-section. 3 bonnie boys arrived safe and sound.

Boy 1 (tri) – 9.0oz

Boy 2 – (light blen) – 7..7oz

Boy 3 – (dark blen) 7.9oz

Mama went straight to nursing and the boys were so happy.

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or CKCS/Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Phoenix has her CKCS puppies

Phoenix went in to the vet today as she had some black discharge and so we decided to run a progesterone and see how she was doing. Much to our surprise she was at almost a 0 and birth was impending – 4 days earlier than planned (and we calculate day 60 not 63 for cavaliers anyway).

With the consultation with Dr Thoreson from Klahaya animal vet clinic, we decided to do a c-section in case something was wrong. I am so glad we did as there was a dead puppy (probably for a few days) and that more than likely spurred her to be laboring early.

The 4 surviving pups were small but strong and Phoenix came through the surgery without a hitch. enjoy

Girl 1 (blen) – 5.0oz

Girl 2 – (ruby with stripe) – 4.25oz

Girl 3 – (ruby with dot) – 5.9oz

Boy (ruby) – 5.45oz

Once home, Phoenix recovered quickly and took to caring for her babies. I love moms who are wonderful and do their job well.

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Nellie’s CKCS cavalier puppies are 7 weeks old

I love this age so much – they are now following us when we call and they are playing and exploring. They are just so so adorable and I adore my snuggles with them.

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.



The girls



The boys

Nellie’s CKCS puppies are 2 weeks old

Nellie is a wonderful mom and her pups are thriving under her care. She keeps them well fed and clean and they are very content little ones.

Their tiny eyes started to open this weekend – right in time for the 2 week photos. Enjoy.

Bonnie (right girl)

Clyde (dot boy)

Josephine (left girl)

Wyatt (striped boy)

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

International Dog Show

At AKC shows, you don’t get any feedback on your dogs, so I love to attend International dog shows as you get a written critique on your dogs.

I met up with my friend Dolly Stearns from JoyfulNoise beagles (Spokane) and Sarah Smith-Falkner from Zamaradi whippets & basenjis (Seattle) – we brought our golden Shirley (2Rivers It Sure Is Hot), 4 beagles Callie (Kazuri’s Everything’s Sugar N Spice), Murphy (Everything’s Gonna Be Alright), Dutch (CH Kazuri N Van-Mar Brewin’ Up Trouble BCAT) & Johnny Rose (JoyfulNoise N Kazuri Keeping Up With The Roses) and 2 cavaliers Phoenix (Kazuri’s On the Wings of Love TKN) and Charlotte (LoKazuri Star Fourth In Line TKN). Of course, we didn’t take any photos the first day and Shirley, Murph, Dutch and Phoenix went home after the first day – silly us.

It was so busy, but thankfully the International show is laid back and so we made all of our ring times – we just missed a couple of group rings.

We walked away with: Dutch – new Int CH, Shirley – new Int CH, Callie – new JrNat/JrInt CH + Group 1 winner, Johnny Rose – new JrNat/JrInt/JrHonors CH + Group1, 2 & 3, Phoenix – new Int CH, Charlotte – new Nat CH Group 2 x 2.

More than that, I had so much fun! I look forward to the next one!

Here are some of the comments from the judges:

DUTCH (Beagle) ** Presents well overall. Very well balanced head. Good depth of chest, Shoulders well placed, Solid level topline standing and on the move, easy relaxed and efficient movement ~ Delvina M Beaulac (CAN) ** Presents himself well in the ring, strong planes of head, well developed chest, tight elbows, good bend of stifle, firm and level topline, clean moving ~ Laura Myles (INT & USA) ** Well balanced young man, good quality and condition of coat, lovely shape head with good planes, good depth of chest and prosternum, good turn of stifle, level and strong topline, brisk movement with good reach and drive ~ Cheri Hollenback (USA) ** An impressive boy, balanced and pretty head, deep and broad chest, straight front quarters and strong well muscled back quarters, correct topline, moves well ~ Karen Burgess (USA)

CALLIE (5 month old beagle) ** Pretty puppy, good texture of coat, well shaped head, well set and dark eyes, well placed foot timing, deep chest for age, legs straight – good rib spacing, level topline, true movement coming and going ~ Roland (Hatch) Hatchel (USA) ** Great lively puppy, nice rounded top skull with dark well set eyes, well let down chest and nice layback, good bend of stifle, nice well set hocks, nice level topline and great movement especially coming and going ~ Rhonda Silvera (INT & USA) ** Very pretty bitch puppy, balanced head, very pretty, large soft eyes and expression, ears proper set and shape, broad deep chest, straight and strong front quarters, stifles strong and well let down, correct topline, moves well ~ Karen Burgess (USA)

Johnny Rose (5 month old beagle) ** Happy great attitude, good coat texture and rich color, lovely dark eye, adequete depth of chest, well muscled for age, good strong hocks, well let down, firm level topline, balanced with good reach and drive ~ Delvina M Beaulac (Can) ** Presents nicely – happy, good texture of coat, good parallel planes of head, dark round eyes, well developed chest, well let down hocks, well muscled, level topline, easy mover – well done! ~ Rhonda Silvera (INT & USA) ** Happy energetic puppy dog, broad, full and pretty head, large eyes and gentle expression, deep and broad chest, straight pasterns and well let down stifle, correct topline, moves well ~ Karen Burgess (USA)

Murphy (5 month old beagle) ** Very pretty puppy dog, correct coat, balanced and pleasing head, eyes large and well set apart, proper color, chest broad and deep, nice straight bone, well muscled back quarters, nice turn of stifle, moves well ~ Karen Burgess (USA) ** Bright, alert youngster, excellent condition, correct head planes and correct eyes, good layback and lay on, very nice turn of stifle, level and strong topline, brisk movement with good reach and drive ~ Cheri Hollenback (USA)

CHARLOTTE (CKCS) ** Curious graceful girl. Correct coat, round dark eyes, ribs well sprung, Shoulders well laid back, nicely angled back quarters, tail is proper set and carriage, moves well ~ Karen Burgess (USA) ** Lovely breed type, good/silky coat, great stop and beautiful flow from head to neck, lovely dark and large – expressive, well let down chest, nice lay back, well angulated back quarters, correct tail, croup and juncture, level with smooth transition to tail ~ Rhonda Silvera (INT & USA) ** Lovely type, good texture to coat, sweet expression – proportionate head, lovely eyes, lovely depth of chest, lovely angulation, pretty level topline, balanced pretty movement ~ Regina Lee Bryant (USA) ** Lovely balanced female, good quality & condition of coat, correct skull shape & proportions, good depth of chest, good 2nd thigh muscling & turn of stifle, correct set and carriage, strong level topline, brisk movement, well timed, with clean down & back ~Cheri Hollenback (USA)

PHOENIX (CKCS) ** Overall impression is pleasing & happy, Nice typey head with pleasing expression, dark round eyes, Well let down chest, well balanced, nice layback, smooth efficient movement ~ Rhonda Silvera (INT & USA) ** Happy, Sweet attentive girl, correct rich ruby coat, balanced pleasing expression, large round eyes, ribs well sprung & full, shoulders well laid, well muscled hind quarters, proper set & carriage, nice topline, moves well ~ Karen Burgess (USA) ** Nice outline, shows well. Broad head with soft expression, chest correct per breed, balanced front, correct carriage of tail, movement is good ~ Laura Myles (USA)

Shirley (Golden) ** Good side gait, energetic movement with a good outline, correct water resistant coat, Correct and dark eyes, front quarters align straight, good turn of stifle, correct level tail carriage, level topline ~ Carmen Haller (Can) ** Lovely energetic young female, good quality and condition of coat, correct skull shape and planes, lovely dark eyes and shape, good depth of chest, strong prosternum, good turn of stifle, strong feet, level and strong topline, well timed foot placement with good reach and drive. ~ Cheri Hollenback (USA) ** Well built for age! good condition and correct coat, balanced head planes, dark eyes, hind quarters balanced, elbows tight to body, clean coming and going, plush tail. ~ Laura Myles (USA)

Me with Callie, Me with Charlotte and Dolly with Johnny Rose.

2022 – what a year

2022 has been an incredible year indeed. One for the memory books. We’ve had some incredible high moments and some low points also.

Focusing on the highs – this is 2022 in review.

PLATINUM Grand CH – Nick – MBISS MBIS GCHP Kazuri’s All I Want For Christmas TKN CGC – He also finished 2022 as the #1 15 inch beagle in the USA and winning 4 BIS and getting select dog at the Beagle National. Nick is also proving himself as a stud, with having seven of his get finishing their CH titles this year!

New Grand CH – Madison – GCH Foxtails Dreaming of the Race TKN – my foundation bitch bred by Sheri Berndt-Smith, Darrell Smith and Michael Kurtzner finished her Grand CH at a local beagle specialty from the Veterans class.

12 New CH beagles that I bred/co-bred

“Dutch” – CH Van-Mar N Kazuri Brewin’ Up Trouble TKN BCAT – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Sarah Smith-Falker, Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer

“Audrey” – CH Van-Mar N Kazuri Trouble At Tiffanys – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Dan Carter & Terri Papagni-Carter

“Tex” – CH Kazuri N Van-Mar Trouble In Texas – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer

“Daisy” – CH Kazuri N Van-Mar Oops a Daisy Here Comes Trouble TKN BCAT – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Sarah Sweetman and loved by the Chamberlain family

“Maddie” – CH Van-Mar N Kazuri Trouble Takes The Cake TKN BCAT – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Sarah Smith-Falker

“Charlie” – CH Van-Mar N Kazuri The Trouble With Charlie – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Lisa Young & Jenni Neift

“Harley-Quinn” – CH Van-Mar N Kazuri Trouble In Gotham – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Chelsea Metteer – owned by Sarah Sweetman, Lisa Young & Jenni Neift

“Beau” – CH Kazuri’s All I Need Is Love And Cake – bred by Sarah Sweetman and Mike & Karen Kurtzner – owned by Sarah Sweetman, Mike & Karen Kurtzner and loved by the Smith family

“Derby” – CH Kazuri’s Run For The Roses – bred by Sarah Sweetman and Mike & Karen Kurtzner – owned by Sarah Sweetman, Mike & Karen Kurtzner and loved by the Olson family

“Maxim” – CH Kazuri’s Rockin The Naughty List At Roylcrest – bred by Sarah Sweetman and Mike & Karen Kurtzner – owned by Lorna & Sam Boydston & Sarah Sweetman

“Sylvie” – CH Kazuri Dreaming Of A Joyful Chase Thru The Woods – bred by Sarah Sweetman and Mike & Karen Kurtzner – owned by Sarah Sweetman, Mike & Karen Kurtzner and loved by the Neuenschwander family

“Willow” – NatJr IntJr HnrJr CH Kazuri’s Cover Me In Sunshine – Also attained her NatJr, IntJr and HnrJr titles at the International Dog show – bred by Sarah Sweetman and Mike & Karen Kurtzner – owned by Sarah Sweetman & Dolly Stearns

2 New CH Cavalier King Charles Spaniels that I bred or co-bred

“Truman” – CH Kazuri’s Struck By The Truth With Lockestar – bred by Sarah Sweetman – owned by Kim Lagretta, Sue Gray, Sarah Sweetman & Alisha Lockleer

New CH & GCH – GCH Kazuri’s Time To Solve A Mystery – bred by Sarah Sweetman – owned by Sarah Sweetman, Megan Hogan and loved by the Hogan family

GCH CH Lockestar ‘Cause I’M Up To No Good CD PCD BN RE FDC BCAT ACT1 ACT1J RATM CZ8S CGCA CGCU TKN ATT Gaining SO many more titles under the direction and dedication of Susan Lockleer – bred by Sarah Sweetman & Alisha Lockleer – owned by Susan Lockleer, Sarah Sweetman & Alisha Lockleer

She isn’t a CH yet, but worth mentioning is Stella – Kazuri’s Diamond In The Sky – bred by Sarah Sweetman – owned by Amie Adams, Emma Adams & Sarah Sweetman. She has both of her majors!

I have several beagles and cavaliers that are pointed and should finish their CH titles in 2023 – as well as several young ones that are up and coming and ready to hit the ring. It should be another fab year in 2023.

A huge thank you to my co-breeders Mike & Karen Kurtzner, Chelsea Metteer & Dolly Stearns for your friendship, partnership and support. Thank you to the co-owners and guardian homes for your support, and letting me show your dogs – for keeping them trained and in good shape. Thank you to Sarah Smith-Falkner, Tammie Wilcox & Cheyenne Calvert (and their teams) for showing my dogs, especially out of state, when I could not be there in person. I couldn’t have finished so many without you. Thank you to all the judges who have found my dogs worthy – in the classes and group ring and BIS ring – I am so thankful for you acknowledging my breeding program as you have.

Thank you to all the incredible families who cheer us on, and love our dogs like we do – we are eternally grateful for all of you. <3 It really takes a village and I feel I am better because of all of you <3

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the newest member of the Kazuri family. We were lucky enough to aquire Mishka “Michelle” – CH Pun Kotzky’s Michelle, Ma’ Belle bred by Dr Oleg Voloshin & Dr Oksana Gavrilova. She will complete her health tests in 2023 and maybe have her first litter. She is pictured below at 6 months

Also joining the Kazuri family in the new year when I fly and pick her up, and co-owned with her breeders Mary Cummings and Sue Nichols and my good friend Dolly Stearns from JoyfulNoise beagles is Allegria (Itallian for joy) – StoneMeadow N Lighfall Full Of Surprises At Kazuri – pictured below at 9 weeks