Tag Archives: washington

Kiss and Denny’s pups are 6 weeks today

The puppies are enjoying small times outside more and more. We don’t take them outside very much – not only because it’s still a bit cold, but also because it’s not super safe for them as we live on a lake with eagles – so we stand out there and supervise their playtime very closely.

Phoenix loves playtime with the babies so much – as you can see below, the feeling is mutual. She has just turned one, but she is very gentle with them. She has her mom Arrow’s beautiful temperament.

I did their individual pictures outdoors again this week. Enjoy <3






Thank you for your interest in my puppies and breeding program. At this stage I don’t know if any of these puppies will be available as I will start assessing them around week 7/8 to see who will stay in my breeding program. I thank you for your patience and understanding. I do understand how hard it is to wait.

If you want to be considered for a puppy, please look on my “puppy page” for all the information you need about my breeding plans, FAQs, and a questionnaire to fill out. Thanks, Sarah

Kiss and Denny’s cavalier pups are 5 weeks old

Time is flying by so fast – I cant believe I am half way to some of these guys going home. Oh my gosh – I cant even think about it.

They are all super eaters now. When the bowls go down, they chow down. They were introduced to the big pack this week and Phoenix (my 1 year old ruby cavalier) was especially excited. If you want to see a video of her playing with one, i put it on Instagram @kazuri_beaglesandcavaliers She sits by their pen and tries t play through the bars and begs me to lets them out several times a day.

The pups are getting so good at walking around and playing that we decided to take them for their first outing outside into the yard. They were a little shy at first (as you will see in the pictures), but once they had figured out that they were safe, they started exploring a little and chewing on leaves and such. It is still a little cold out, and so we didn’t stay for long. We will take them out for small times again each day. 🙂

Here are the latest pictures of the babies – they are getting bigger. <3






I will be forever thankful to Heidi Mohn from Covington cavaliers for allowing me to use her beautiful boy Denny ( CKCSC-USA CH & AKC CH Covington Designed By Time) for this litter.

Thank you for your interest in my puppies and breeding program. At this stage I don’t know if any of these puppies will be available as I will start assessing them around week 7/8 to see who will stay in my breeding program. I thank you for your patience and understanding. I do understand how hard it is to wait.

If you want to be considered for a puppy, please look on my “puppy page” for all the information you need about my breeding plans, FAQs, and a questionnaire to fill out. Thanks, Sarah

The cavalier pups are Enjoying food

After a couple of the babies had a slow start with food (ah hem – i literally had to spoon feed them in order for them to eat), now all the pups are eating with great vigor.

I also wanted to share this adorable photo of Miss Peggy who fits perfectly in my hands. For now anyway.

No beagle pups in March

We are so sad to announce that Allie was pregnant, but yesterday we did an x-ray and found that she has lost the litter 🙁

To say that this is gut wrenching is an understatement. This is part of breeding for sure, but it doesn’t make it stink any less.

So, now we try and look to the future and what we will do next. Allie is fine. Going through the motions of a false pregnancy and was checked out thoroughly by out vet yesterday and was found to be healthy. So that is something to be grateful for.

Emmy’s beagle pups play outdoors

Emmy’s pups are now 6 weeks old – I cant believe it. They are enjoying the outdoors more and more now. Karen sent me these pictures so I just had to share them <3

** Just a reminder that these puppies are being raised with my co-breeders Mike and Karen in Sacramento California, so you cant visit them in Seattle unfortunately. I will be bringing them up at some point in April.

Thank you for your interest in my puppies and breeding program. At this stage I don’t know if any of these puppies will be available as I will start assessing them around week 7/8 to see who will stay in my breeding program. I thank you for your patience and understanding. I do understand how hard it is to wait.

If you want to be considered for a puppy, please look on my “puppy page” for all the information you need about my breeding plans, FAQs, and a questionnaire to fill out. Thanks, Sarah

Emmy’s beagle pups enjoy the outdoors for the first time

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, so Mike and Karen decided to let the puppies have their first experience outdoors. The funny story is that they were way more interested in their momma Emmy than they were in the interesting sights and sounds and scents around.

Emmy is such a sweet, loving, kind mom. She takes it all in her stride – 7 puppies could be overwhelming, but not for her. What a rockstar momma.

** Just a reminder that these puppies are being raised with my co-breeders Mike and Karen in Sacramento California, so you cant visit them in Seattle unfortunately. I will be bringing them up at some point in April.

Thank you for your interest in my puppies and breeding program. At this stage I don’t know if any of these puppies will be available as I will start assessing them around week 7/8 to see who will stay in my breeding program. I thank you for your patience and understanding. I do understand how hard it is to wait.

If you want to be considered for a puppy, please look on my “puppy page” for all the information you need about my breeding plans, FAQs, and a questionnaire to fill out. Thanks, Sarah

Kiss’s puppies are 2 weeks today

I am not going to lie. It has been a long 2 weeks. I have never had such low lows in all of my breeding. I have heard of this happening to other people, but have only experienced losing puppies at birth. I have never (till now) lost a puppy once they were older than a day.

I lost puppy boy #1 on day 3 – I put it down to maybe he had something congenital and was weak and everyone else was fine. But on day 9, puppy boy #3 (named George) started crashing. I tube fed him, kept him warm, had him in the oxygen tank but he kept getting weaker and weaker. He showed signs of respiratory distress so we suspected pneumonia and I instantly regretted not putting the whole litter on clavamox after the first puppy died. Unfortunately, while we fought the good fight, he kept getting weaker, and passed away also. I of course, now put everyone else on clavamox. But it takes about 48 hours to kick in. Not quick enough for little George.

On day 10, the smallest girl (Peggy) started to show signs of dehydration and being weak and raspy breathing – the early signs the boys had shown. I instantly went to work on her. I also managed to get some amazing advice from some experienced cavalier breeders of a medicine they put in a nebulizer to help with respiratory illness. At this point I had nothing to lose. I drove to Kent late at night to get a smaller oxygen tank and the meds. Within hours of the first treatment her breathing had already gotten easier – I couldn’t believe it! I continued to tube feed her around the clock every 2 hours for 2 nights and then weaned her off them oxygen. And when the other little girl (Eliza) got weak, I gave her the same treatment and the results were the same – an instant turnaround.

Here we are on day 14. It feels like a milestone that I dont normally celebrate this much, but I am elated. All the babies are off oxygen, with mama full time. They have all doubled their birth weight – in fact some are close to tripling it.

Here are my little lovies. <3 Their eyes are all opening and they are beginning to explore their world.





Aaron Burr

I dont know who might be available from this litter yet. I will be evaluating them closer to 7/8 weeks and will contact families around then. Thank you for understanding and your patience. I appreciate it very much.

Paris’s puppies are 1 week today

It has been quite a week. we were absolutely gutted on Wednesday night when we lost our littlest guy 🙁 But thankfully the other six are strong and healthy and growing like little flowers.

We decided that their blog names should follow “Hamilton” – it is one of our favorite plays and since they were born on “President’s day” it seemed only fitting.

So, introducing: Our 3 girls <3




And the boys <3

Hamilton (Hammy)



I dont know if any of these puppies are available at this stage. Offers will be made as soon as I know – probably closer to 7-8 weeks. Thank you for understanding.

Kiss and Denny’s Puppies arrived

With every birth I learn something new. Usually I start taking the dam’s temperature about 4/5 days before she is due to watch for a significant drop which tells me she is 24hours from starting labor. This happened on Thursday morning (the 13th Feb). I got up every 2 hours through the night to check on her for 4 nights – she started labor on Sunday night around 11:30, and puppies started arriving around 10am on Monday morning. Someone once told me “they don’t read the rulebook” – and that was certainly true for this. But I am glad she was able to have them safe and sound at home rather than go in for the planned C-section which is what we would have done Monday afternoon.

Baby #1 was born at 9:58 – a boy – 5.1oz.

Baby #2 was a girl, born at 11:12 – 6.3oz.

Baby #3 was a boy born at 12:03 and he was 6.5oz.

Baby #4 was another boy born at 12:49 and 5.7oz.

Baby #5 was 6.6oz and was a girl born at 2:23.

Baby #6 was born at 3.52 – another girl 6.7oz.

Our final baby was a boy born at 4:14 weighing 7.6oz.

Mom and babies are all vigorous and doing well. I am not sure who is available at this stage and will start contacting families as soon as I do 🙂 Thank you.

EDIT: On Wednesday night, one of the little boys started to crash and we couldn’t save him and he gained his angel wings. This is the heartbreaking side of breeding. One that cant be avoided, but death is part of life. He was loved and treasured and cuddled right till the end. <3

Emmy’s babies are growing

Karen sent me a couple of cute pictures of the chubby babies this morning so I couldn’t help but share them. They are clearly thriving under Emmy and the Kurtzner’s wonderful care. I am so very thankful.

Once again, I dont know if any of these puppies are available. I will contact families as soon as I know. We will not know until they are closer to 7-8 weeks and we can assess their conformation. Thank you for understanding.