Tag Archives: washington

Charity and Daisy’s beagle puppies are 2 and 3 days old

I decided since the litters are so close in age, we might as well take their photos together. I will make sure I distinguish between whose puppies are whose. Ironically Daisy was bred to Charity’s brother Beau and Charity was bred to Daisy’s brother Tex – so the puppies are basically siblings anyway 🙂 LOL. As they grow, I am sure we will see more similarities between them than differences. I am excited for both of these pairings.

Daisy x Beau

Boy 1 (more white)

Boy 2 (less white)

Charity x Tex

Girl 1 (pink)

Girl 2 (lavendar)

Boy 1 Brown

Boy 2 Light blue

Boy 3 Green

Boy 4 Dark blue

Boy 5 Yellow

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these BOYS may be available. (Girls will not be available) Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Daisy and Beau welcome their beagle puppies also

What a busy 24 hours. Daisy was due on Monday 12 or Tuesday the 13th based on progesterone, but surprised us by showing no signs of labor and then popping 4 puppies out in 2 hours.

When our girls are close but not in labor yet, we feel okay about leaving them unsupervised for a couple of hours. There are some tell tale signs of labor – refusing dinner, being restless and digging, cocking their tail under, peeing frequently – Daisy didn’t show any of these signs.

Unfortunately because of this, 3 of the puppies got very chilled and did not make it. It’s hard to know if they were stillborn or chilled as they never took a breath for us. We are devastated for this loss. Her 5th puppy was born safely with us there and her two live puppies are being cared for beautifully by Daisy – she is a wonderful first time momma.

I am proud to present Daisy and Beau’s 2 precious boys – both were 9.65oz at birth.

Boy 1 has more white on his collar

Boy 2 has less white on his collar

We will let Daisy raise a couple of Chairty’s babies so the girls have a more equal load. We will do this over the coming days once Daisy’s pups have had their colostrum.

Charity and Tex welcome their beagle pups into the world

Chairty was in labor all night but nothing was really progressing. Knowing my vet was unavailable over the weekend, and it being a Friday, we opted to just take her in for a csection.

I am so so glad we did. Dr Thoreson said her uterus was not cut and repaired well the last time she had a Csection (emergency vet), and it was close to rupture in that incision area. I am so thankful he was able to get the puppies out safely and Charity was okay also. I can’t imagine the devastation of losing her if her uterus had split open. Needless to say, this will be her second and final litter.

The C section went well and Charity recovered as expected. Just like last time, she was very smitten with her babies from the start. At Dr Thoreson’s, we saw we had 5 boys and 2 girls, but didn’t weigh and measure them till we got them home. All 7 are thriving and so is mom.

The markings are all so similar and so we put collars on them to tell them apart.

Pink girl – 13.1 oz

Lavendar girl – 13.2 oz

Brown boy – 12.3oz

Light blue boy – 12.9oz

green boy – 12.9oz

dark blue boy 15.3oz

yellow male – 12.3oz

Cleo and Chevy’s beagle pups turn 8 weeks old

I managed to get some final individual photos of Cleo’s pups today after a along outdoor play time. They are heading to their new homes this weekend so I am trying to make the most of every second I have with them.





Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup?  Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Cleo’s 7 week old beagle puppies play in the yard outside

These sweet little babies are gaining confidence and now use the whole yard as their playground when they are allowed to. I love watching them explore and play. They will be heading off to their new homes way too soon and I am trying to soak up as many puppy cuddles as I can till then

Gret weekend at for Kazuri siblings on each coast.

We had a wonderful weekend at the Tacoma kennel club in the Seattle WA area.

Mr Morrison (Kazuri Everything Reminds Me of You – son of CH Tashwould DeJa Vu and Kazuri’s Everything’s coming Up Roses) won BOV for his 2nd major under judge Sylvie McGee. She also had him make the cut in the competitive Hound Group that afternoon.

Morrison is just a handful of points away from his CH now!

Meanwhile, in Indianna, Morrison’s sister DeeJay (Kazuri Do you Get DeJa Vu- daughter of CH Tashwould DeJa Vu and Kazuri’s Everything’s coming Up Roses outdid her brother by getting BOV and a Hound Group 3 with co-breeders and co-owners Mike and Karen

Summertime playtime with the big dogs and the beagle puppies

I always say there is no place that is more beautiful than the Pacific Northwest in the Summertime. The dogs love having outside time and the puppies love playing with them (supervised of course). Enjoy these photos of some of our adult cavaliers, adult beagles, our golden Shirley and the beagle puppies.

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

The beagle puppies play in a Snoopy house

A friend of mine bought this adorable red snoopy house, and so of course, naturally, we had to take photos of the puppies playing in and around it. I just put it in my garden and watched them play in and around it – beagle puppies and snoopy – does it get any better than that??

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.

Cleo’s beagle puppies turn 5 weeks

Cleo’s babies are developing rapidly – I am guessing because they have Mishka’s puppies to watch and imitate.

I took photos of them on the blue chair tonight – they are always some of my favorite photos.






Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these pups may be available. Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.