I decided since the litters are so close in age, we might as well take their photos together. I will make sure I distinguish between whose puppies are whose. Ironically Daisy was bred to Charity’s brother Beau and Charity was bred to Daisy’s brother Tex – so the puppies are basically siblings anyway 🙂 LOL. As they grow, I am sure we will see more similarities between them than differences. I am excited for both of these pairings.
Daisy x Beau
Boy 1 (more white)

Boy 2 (less white)

Charity x Tex
Girl 1 (pink)

Girl 2 (lavendar)

Boy 1 Brown

Boy 2 Light blue

Boy 3 Green

Boy 4 Dark blue

Boy 5 Yellow

Interested in your own Kazuri Beagle or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel pup? One of these BOYS may be available. (Girls will not be available) Please visit our Puppy page for information on our breeding plans, and pricing, how we place pups and how to apply.